
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Looks Like It's Gonna Happen


In just a little over a month ..... my knee replacement surgery is going to happen!!  While I'm happy to finally to be having it's been a long wait (since December 2023)....I'll be even happier when it's done!

In early April I'll undergo a four hour pre-surgery appointment (x-ray, EKG, bloodwork, etc) to prepare.  

Fingers crossed nothing cancels the surgery!  

Hope you have awesome weekend!!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Home Sense - Makes No Sense

Have you ever noticed the weird things you find at Home Sense?  Things that just make you question why??  Or just shake your head...

Well, one recent trip around the store had me doing just that!  They had a number of strange this vase...with lips...

Or how about a set of the strangest lamps I've ever seen!  I guess someone would love each his own I suppose....

Not sure about this wax swan.... set into a glass candle wouldn't get any prettier as it melts...

Or just a swan candle in general...and they brought in three of them...

Who doesn't need this canvas...of a duck...wearing shades...smoking & drinking a martini....

Now....I'm Canadian ....all things hockey are revered....except when it's a polar skates...wearing goalie pants & holding a hockey stick...

Can anyone explain why they would attempt to sell an Easter rabbit....with one hand broken off??  I can't say not once have I ever longed for one....or know what I'd do with one....

These are the strangest mugs I've seen in a while...can't imagine having my morning tea in one...or giving Mr. Seventies his cuppa java....

Now you know I love me a great cushion...and bouquets of flowers...but this one even had been raising my doubts...

This is not the worst footstool I've ever seen...and I suppose someone would absolutely love about you?

And another set of lamps....with strange wicker shades...and I love wicker shades....just not these ones...

Now, this was all said with tongue in cheek...not meant to be mean or dis home just seemed on this particular day....I noticed some questionable pieces...

Moving one an only piece of Easter decor...picked it up on FB Marketplace...I'll wait a few weeks before hanging it on the front door...

We are spending the day with our little grand daughter while her parents are at work....she is battling a terrible cold!  Poor little bug...there are so many colds & viruses going around here...hopefully she is feeling better today....

Please join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday!  

And on Tuesday with Joanne at for Talking About It Tuesday and for Inspire Me Tuesday!!

Thanks so much for spending time with me today...hope to see you back soon!

Til next time....


Thursday, March 6, 2025

This & That

This post is a bit about different things, items & happenings...first off...remember this sweater I posted about a few days ago??

Do not order it!  It is absolute crap!  Like something you'd receive from one of the low priced, discount sites.... from China.  I read the description carefully prior to ordering....and the photo leads you to believe it is a sweater!

It is not....but rather a cheaply made, screen printed top.   I reached out to Hudson Bay Boutique to demand a response yet,  The sheep sweater...(gorgeous btw) and sneakers are awesome not sure why this one did not make the cut.  But be warned...things are not always as they appear...

In the future...I'll wait until my order has arrived- then post about things I have purchased.... HP printer died.  Neither Mr. Seventies or I could remember how long we've been using it...but it's safe to say about twelve years or so.  Although we don't print that much...usually receipts or as Mr. Seventies pointed out....Amazon return labels.  

Not wanting to be without a printer....or wanting to spend hundreds of dollars....we picked up this Canon wireless all in one (printer, copier & fax machine) from a local electronics store.  I checked printers at Wal Mart....and to be honest...the two "associates" were so annoying....I left.   The third one quickly advised she only did phones...and walked away.  Gotta love Wal Mart....

And the sales associate was such a great help!  However, the ink cartridges were about half the price of the printer!  Way cheaper on Amazon...I ordered two of the exact same cartridges...for less than the cost of one at the electronics store!   Ink cartridges came with the printer for initial set up & use only...

Set up was was up & running in no time.  We dropped off the previous printer at the provincial recycle depot...

Now I'm "old school" when it comes to headsets.  Yes, I have Air Pods (only last four hours on one charge) and in the ear headsets.....but when watching shows on my laptop....I prefer comfortable, over the ear headsets.  

Enter Exhibit A - upon removing them from my laptop....the jack broke off & was stuck in the laptop.  Enter Mr. Seventies & a set of pliers....and this is what I was left with...

To be fair....this was the fourth headset I ordered from Amazon - the first three...quit working after a few months!  And then this...I was determined to move on & find another set I liked...and stop ordering the same set!!  

I packed them up, printed a return label (on my new printer)....and dropped them off at Purolator...which is now the preferred method for Amazon returns.....guess after the last Canada Post strike they had enough with them.  Me too.

Then I noticed, a "restocking fee" had been deducted from the refund.  Wait...what?  I was returning them because they fell apart!  Amazon assured I would be reimbursed for the worries.   Deep breaths.

Some returns I've noticed - you are requested to pay for return shipping. If you have Prime - don't do it!   Contact an Amazon associate & request a pre-paid shipping label since shipping is included with Amazon need to pay for shipping twice!!

One item I ordered arrived & I'm crushing on it!  A "boot" for my Stanley cup!  It saves wear & tear on the bottom...and looks adorable in the meantime.  

*Note* - my 40 oz cup - is too tall for the cupholder in our SUV!  The console is in the my cup has to tilt sideways.  Next time we try out a vehicle...I will test the console space with my cup!!  Details are important...

Lastly....these adorable overalls arrived from Smash & Tess...a wonderful Canadian company located on the West Coast...I'll leave the link to their website here

Not sponsored...but I'm in love with their amazing advised they do charge a $10 restocking fee for returns...

I ordered this adorable jumpsuit (pictured on their site) in size large....and it fits perfectly!  Light fabric...perfect for late spring, summer & early fall!!  I'm happy the legs are tapered...I'm not a fan of "wide leg" everything...and appreciate the cuff turned up.  I'm all about comfort....

That is it for me, today!  The temperatures are very mild here....with rain showers predicted for the next few days....but it beats snow!  

Have an awesome weekend & hope you will stop back on Monday!  

Til next time.....

Monday, March 3, 2025

Thrifting For Fun

We are in to a brand new month!!  We've experienced some decent weather...sunny days &  been able to go for walks with Liesel...although it's remaining cold over night with windchills...

I browsed around the thrift store one afternoon...with my knee acting up I've had to scale back a bit.  I've not been able to walk as much as I'd like....but need to keep moving regardless...

When I discovered this pretty tea pot...I first thought it was from Certified they carry one very similar....however it wasn't.  But still worthy of a mention...and cardinals are such a pretty bird...

This little scottie bowl was adorable...not sure if it was part of a set as it was sitting on the shelf all by it's lonesome...

I considered this rooster mug...but I don't need another mug....we have an abundance in the cupboard...

This vase caught my attention...not only was the colour & size had a matte texture & great height...

This bowl would be gorgeous holding a bouquet of peonies or had a sturdy weight to it...and a great size.  I thought the $12.99 price tag was a bit steep....

Same for this adorable reindeer mug....I have a set similar....but as with everything these days....prices are a deterrent....even with it being discount day....

I didn't come home empty handed...there were two of these metal stars (they are stacked together)....I'll hang them on the deck wall outside later in spring....I may even spray paint them....

I didn't resist this little rooster pitcher...I was confident there would be room in my cabinet for it to be tucked in....

And I was glad I bought it fit into the cabinet perfectly....

That was the extent of my browsing was "discount day" and the store was crowded....I may pop in again this week or visit another thrift store close by....

One item I purchased last month on Amazon was this rechargeable fabric shaver!  I don't have a number of pieces that need fabric pills removed....but when I do this shaver has been doing the trick!  And the price was under $20!

One item I've been meaning to share was this glass piece I picked up at Home Sense...the colours are perfect for the family room....

There are larger ones with different patters available...the gal at checkout a head of me purchased one covered in daisies....she shared her grand daughter's name was Daisy!  I set mine on the ledge...

Mr. Seventies & I enjoyed a movie "date" & saw Last Breath...I won't give any spoilers away...other than to say it's a true story....with a happy ending!  It will keep you in the edge of your seat!  There have been so few movies worth seeing lately....

Join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday...

And again tomorrow at for Talking About It Tuesday and for Inspire Me Tuesday....

As always, thanks so much for stopping by today...... I so appreciate you being here!

Til next time...


Thursday, February 27, 2025

In Need of Orthopedic Insoles?

 I'm sharing today in case anyone, like in need or uses orthotics in their footwear.  (this is not a sponsored post...).  When I discover a great product...I like to share.

I suffer with metatarsal joint pain in my feet...(pain & soreness on the balls of the feet).  Walking on them...causes such pain.  I've found relief wearing orthotics in my first pair I obtained from a podiatrist clinic.  The podiatry world has been shaken up obtaining new orthotics has been challenging for the last little while.  But that's another story...for another day....

I recently purchased a pair from a Canadian company online and am so happy with their insoles.  So much so, I've ordered an additional pair.  I like having more than one set, so I don't have to switch  them out when I change footwear.   They fit perfect in shoes, sneakers & boots with ease!

There are pads for various foot conditions....I'm able to purchase insoles with metatarsal pads right in the insoles...and they give such relief!  They sell various thicknesses and widths of insoles, as well.  And some are currently on sale!!

These are the two sets I ordered...the first ones I'm currently using....the second pair are on order...

Another bonus the cost!  From the podiatrist office, about two years ago....the price of the my orthotics was well over $300!  On-line these are much more reasonably priced...and for my second pair I was sent a discount of $25 to use for future an additional $8 in loyalty points!  Yes, thank you!

If you are in need of orthotics...I cannot recommend highly enough to check out their website!  Shipping is free (in Canada)....and that's a win-win for me!!

I'm considering ordering the Jasper Chukka winter footwear on their site.....complete with recycled cork midsoles! They currently come in three colours....I'm loving these black ones!  I'll be able to use a 15% discount in March....a birthday bonus!

I hope this helps anyone who needs or uses insoles in their footwear will check out this amazing site!  Tell them I sent you!!  

Have an awesome weekend & I'll see you next month!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Some New Additions

Here we are....close to kicking February to the curb!  Even with the miserable weather & cold temperatures....the month has flown by!

I dropped off a large bag of clothes to goodwill...all too big & baggy....some I didn't even get a chance to wear.  So, of course I've been adding a lot of new pieces...these items I ordered from Hudson's online Boutique, (which is closing it's doors)...great time to pick up some new items...crushing on this sweater I ordered......

This one is a little wild.... the colours are gorgeous....and I'm a kid from the 70's....bit reminiscent of my youth maybe....

I picked up this leather bag...and am finding it very roomy to store my wallet, cell phone, hand warmers, keys & whatever else I need to bring's bit enough without being too big...and I prefer a long strap so I can hang it on my shoulder...

I picked up a few pieces for summer....(daughter wants to do a bit of shopping on the weekend...she has a number of gift cards to use)I'm always up for that!!  This adorable skort & matching top are so comfortable & the softest fabric...the top shows a little variation in colour....but they are a matching set....the prettiest coral-pink shade...


These sweatpants (made with the same beautiful, soft fabric)....came with a matching top as well....but I just picked up the pants...

I couldn't resist this pretty is available in blue as well... I love the little pops of coral...and the absolute best part?  No hood!!

I detest hoods....and how they put one on just about everything!  I've never wear a hood....and will purposely leave an item in the shop if it has a matter how much I like the piece!  Anyone else have an aversion to hoods??  Hoods are for children in my opinion....

You have to use a bit of imagination with these leather sandals....I currently have them in yellow, but wasn't able to find a photo......they might be discontinued or sold out.

No matter....they are my go to sandals in the summer....however I'm not a fan of white soles (not shown in the photo)...but mine have white soles.  They get grungy & dirty with wear...and I was always needing to scrub them clean!

Tired of doing that....I dropped them off at a local shoe repair have the white soles removed & replaced with brown ones!  This can be done with most footwear....(can you tell my grandfather owned a shoe repair business when I was growing up?).   

These are the German made sandals I'm referring to...super comfortable & well worth investing in new soles.  Many years of wear left in mine.  I gotta admit...I'm a bit obsessed with the navy ones though.....

Looking forward to new walking sneakers....these ones I'm hoping will be great!  The reviews are awesome....I've been advised after my knee replacement there will be physical therapy & walking to get me up & moving again....these should come in handy....

I already have these in the Chestnut colour....but couldn't resist getting another pair in red!  So comfortable & warm....the only downside is when it's slushy & wet outside...I don't want water or salt stains to ruin them....or get them wet....

And just like last time....them men's sizes were cheaper than the women's!  Go figure....

And lastly....a couple of pairs of denims from Halara.  The overalls I had ordered in a size large... were much too baggy.  I reordered them in a size medium...along with these jeans...wide leg pull ons...(I had these in large...and like the overalls found them too baggy)....trying a size medium in them now....

As well as a pair of the casual flare jeans...the stretch & comfort of these jeans is second to none!!

And lastly, I've ventured into the world of Temu!  Just a couple of pieces I think I can get away with quality wise...a long sleeve tee....who doesn't love a fat cat??

And a summer jumper....with a t-shirt underneath....I think it could work....but that is as brave as I got...I'll let you know when the pieces arrive....

Now....if I could fast forward to winter being over....I'm so ready for spring & summer!  It has been great the last few days to be able to take Liesel for short walks.  We pick an area that isn't coated with a bazillion buckets of road salt....and is dry enough to venture about....

The last couple of days her tummy woes have returned....breaks my heart that she is getting older & having health issues....I'm not ready for the senior years.  I cannot believe she will turn eleven in July....

She did enjoy a short car ride and stroll about a housing development a few times.....we've had some milder temps & sun!!

Thanks so much for stopping by today & hanging out with me.  Join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday....

And again tomorrow at for Talking About It Tuesday and for Inspire Me Tuesday.....

Til next time.....