
Thursday, October 17, 2024

See You In A few Days!!

I've picked up a stomach bug!  And those are fun....said no one ever!  I'm going to take a few days & will be back Monday! 

Til next time....

Monday, October 14, 2024

On The Road Today!

We are driving home today after an enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend!  

My sister-in-law and I shopped a bit…(I only picked up a few things)….. ate way too much,  spent time hanging out, went to a lovely church service & enjoyed pizzas with our nephew & family.

A beautifully blessed Thanksgiving with much to be thankful for!

Raining hard as we make our way home!

Will catch up in a day or two!  Til next time…

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hitting The Trail & Happy Thanksgiving!!

Since we've been having gorgeous fall weather....we loaded Liesel in the SUV & headed out to walk one of our favourite trails!  The trails (called the Confederation Trail) run from tip to tip on the Island....and were at one time tracks for the railway!  The trains, many years ago...were an important mode of transportation for Islanders....coming here as a child, on vacation with my family....I remember when the trains were here.

As roads were built & more & more vehicles became a staple....the railway system was phased out.  Thus the Confederation Trail was birthed!  Used daily for walkers, bicyclists, and in the winter there is a very responsible snowmobile club that maintains & uses the trails for outdoor activities & fun! 

We enjoy the beautiful fall colours on the trails, as the leaves turn...however we were a bit early to enjoy them this year....they have just begun to turn....

These photos were taken last year....but later in October!  Took my breath away when I saw them...stunning right??

We enjoy walking on the various sections of the trail....and no prettier time than fall to do so!  The weather is turning a bit cooler...the next couple of weeks the trees will share their magnificent colours...

There are rest stops and picnic areas along the trails....we stopped here to allow Liesel to have a cold drink...she loves running on the trail...

A bit of a health update...after having an ECG the other day & an appointment afterwards with my heart heart is still "not doing great".  The ECG results were better than the previous one done in July...but still "not great".   I will be undergoing a test where they inject dye (via arm) and scan the heart to determine what is going on!  The doctor stated, "you are a thanks for that".   Well....I do try. 

A dear friend commented "you must be so scared".    I don't  live my life in fear...but choose to live each day & not dwell on the "what ifs".   That serves no purpose....there are just some things we cannot control....

Moving forward.  I dropped into Inspired Living & picked up a life like cedar garland (for the mantle)....however the 6 ft length I purchased is too short!  I plan to do an exchange today for a longer piece....and be warned...they are getting fully stocked with awesome Christmas decor!  Oh my!

October is my favourite month!  As Mr. Seventies & I celebrate our upcoming 41st wedding anniversary, we have an outdoor photo session booked with a sweet photographer...

We celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend & spending it with extended family in Nova Scotia...I hope you have a wonderful one as well!   

Til next time.....

Monday, October 7, 2024

Little Bit Of Christmas

Christmas goodies are showing up in the stores here!  I'm not unhappy about it...I thoroughly enjoy browsing through it!

I popped into Inspired Living for an afternoon peruse....they are just getting started with setting out decor for the holidays....

This fireplace is decorated beautifully....and the stockings were only $10 each...a shipment of cedar garlands has arrived....I'm considering getting one for our brick mantle...they sell out so quickly!

These ceramic trees are so popular again this year...especially since they are battery operated...

And much to my delight....they've begun getting in feather cushions!!  So much nicer than fibre-filled my opinion...

I shared my happiness with the owner of the store...and apparently I am not alone in my preferred choice...others have commented on them as well...

While on the subject of cushions....I came across these beauties at Winners...perfect colour combination for the family room!  I may have to re-visit & bring them home if they are still available....

Also at Winners...these sets of hanging bells!  They are everywhere again this year...I got mine at Inspired Living weeks ago....and I absolutely love them.  Mine were sold separately....I picked up rope to be able to tie them together....hopefully on one end of the mantle....

Some adorable pieces on this corner shelf...and the canvas is so pretty...

How adorable is this little guy?  Pretty cute...

I'm certain there is much more decor items on display since my visit to Inspired Living....I hope to venture back this week...and pick up a cedar garland while I'm there....

I did pick up a couple of items....I'll share at a later date since I haven't put them out yet....will do after all the Halloween decor is put away.  I've admired these on my last two brought them home along with an oval wooden tray....

I want to share our stunning burning bush in all it's glory!  And the best part (beside it's awesomeness) that beautiful, brooding sky!  I love this time of year!

These were almost alive with bees!  I've never seen so many bees doing their work so diligently...and left them to it...

We are coming up on Thanksgiving weekend & plan to spent it with family in Nova Scotia!  I'm hoping the weather will be nice...the fall colours will be peaking this week....

Join me later today at for Metamorphis Monday and tomorrow over at for Inspire Me Tuesday and for Talking About It Tuesday.

Have an awesome day & hope to see you next time...

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Quick Thrift Store Browse & Collectible Ghost Mugs

Well...that's quite the title, eh?  I did a quick tour around the thrift store....not too much caught my eye but let's take a look...this little planter is adorable....a sweet little basset hound....

I considered picking up this was giving me Christmas vibes...would be gorgeous to hold a festive arrangement....

Trays such as this are so expensive in the home decor stores....a steal at under $5!  I regret I didn't take it home with me...

I knew this piece was coming home....I'm a pushover for pottery pieces....

If anyone needed a sturdy strainer....this one is a great size....afterwards it was in someone's cart heading to the checkout...

I was crushing on this piece so hard...but it was much to big for my cabinet...(which is pretty much full)...

These collectible coffee shop mugs were the whole reason for my outing.....and it took a couple of stops at different shops before I was able to find them!  They were selling out as soon as they became available!  I'm so happy to have been able to get not one....but two!

They actually turn colour when filled with a hot beverage!  (haven't tried them yet)...the back side has 2-3 bats in flight....are they not absolutely adorable??  They are also a generous size...with their little donut & coffee...

Today promises to be sunny & warm....then days of rain in the forecast.  Mr. Seventies has been busy with fall pruning in the flower gardens & cleaning out the vegetable garden!  He put together corn stalks & they look awesome at the front entry...

Have an awesome weekend wherever you are & thanks so much for being here!  Til next time....

Monday, September 30, 2024

Short Road Trip

We decided one beautiful afternoon to visit a couple of spots in Stanley Bridge, an area about a 35 minute drive from us...

The main reason was to visit one of Mr. Seventies favourite bake shop locations....this one is housed in a former church.  The other shop, in Kensington is situated in a former train station....either place is worth the trip for their cream cheese covered cinnamon buns...(among other yummy things).....

I didn't get photos inside....since it is a sit down food/bakery shop & there were quite a few patrons inside...such a quaint & special spot!  And it was the last day it would be open for the season!  The Kensington bakery remains open year round...

It has been years since I visited this place not far from the bakery...we decided to take a few minutes and check it will remain open until after Thanksgiving weekend... 

Come along and browse with me....I'll admit it has changed from when I last visited...more primitive  items than I remember....I do love both of these signs...

This metal tray was quite large....with even larger ones available...

This piece had me at hello...the $99 sticker price was a bit on the high end tho...but I was crushing hard on it....

I almost purchased this sign....thought it was very appropriate for the pool....the piece it is resting on is cute...maybe for a child's room....

This shopping tote is produced locally!  I happen to know the seller, he worked in the same building I did a number of years ago....and upon retiring......he keeps busy making numerous items, bags, t shirts and more!  He graciously gave me a shopping bag at one event I was attending last year.   Free of charge!!  Notice the "faux" potatoes under neath the bag as well....fitting since we do produce a fair number of potatoes here!!

The upper floor housed mainly dish ware and glass items!  I luv these mugs.....not only my colours...but the perfect size!  I prefer my tea in a small mug....just like these!!

Are these not adorable?  Not sure exactly their use....for butter perhaps?

Couple of cute hens....unfortunately too big to fit in my cabinet....but don't think I didn't consider them!!

This basket is amazing!!  I don't think it was for sale....since there was no price visible!  But, oh I wanted it!!  Still do.   I should have asked if it was with that regret!  No idea where I would put it.....but when has that ever stopped me....

There is three floors in the shop....and a clothing/purse/jewellery section as well as an abundance of pottery pieces!  Items missing or not carried were handmade quilts....I remember seeing them in days gone by....

It was fun to browse around & see all the neat things they carry just the same.  Mr. Seventies & Liesel browsed the grounds, chatting with other visitors....

In other news.....I have struggled to find a potted mum!  The ones I have found....are huge & too big for the front step!  The only smaller ones I have found are "fake" mums at Michaels! mums for the step.......perhaps just as well...

Thank you for spending a bit of your time with me....

Join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday!  

And tomorrow I'll be sharing at for Inspire Me Tuesday and for Talking About It Tuesday!!

Have an awesome day wherever you are!!!  Til next time....

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Apple & Pumpkin Picking Time

We spent a beautiful afternoon apple picking at a local of our must go-to spots!  We're lovers of MacIntosh apples....and they were ready for picking...

 There were pumpkins & gourds still growing at the orchard...

Once our bushel basket was full of apples....we headed to a local pumpkin patch close by....

And we were not disappointed in the choices of pumpkins, squash & the "Blaze" pumpkins...we picked one out....

The prices for pumpkins in the grocery stores here....are $8 each!!  You can be guaranteed the grower is not getting anywhere near close to that....another reason to purchase direct from the field!   We also picked a Lumina (white) pumpkin and a blue-greenish one!  Next year....we will plant a few pumpkins in our veggie garden...

Sunflowers were growing tall....reaching out to the sun...just look at that broody sky!

We finished off the afternoon with a visit to our favourite ice cream shop....grand daughter joined us on this afternoon....and enjoyed her favourite ice cream treat!  

I've added a few pieces to my wardrobe....I had ordered this casual matching was on sale on their online website.....

However, a larger size in the bottoms arrived...thankful there is a local shop here....and I was able to quickly do an exchange...

I didn't get out of the store without this amazing coat catching my eye!  I had noticed it on their is even more gorgeous in person....and extra shopping "bonus" points on all purchases that day.  I slipped on a size medium...and it fit beautifully....yes, please!  I now have four coats & jackets...that should suffice...

It will pair well with this warm pillbox hat....

Liesel update - our resident wire hair did amazing at her appointments - she lost a couple of small teeth...but given her age & minimal tooth loss over the years....our veterinarian had no concerns removing these teeth that were crowding molars....

Her tummy ultrasound showed an improvement in the lining inflammation...and her tail, where she had a lump...has healed nicely.  A small bump remains but the cyst contains no bacteria or cancerous matter. Both her tummy & tail area were shaved,  the fur will grow back in time...

She will remain on daily medication for her tummy for the time being....and we will re-assess in a month's time...

It's been a busy two weeks with numerous appointments....medical and other wise.  We are caught up until early October....

Much needed rain is in the forecast for the next three is extremely dry here.  Mr. Seventies order of tulip bulbs arrived....and the ground was hard for planting them!  But, they are a good watering from Mother Nature is most welcomed....

Thanks so much for hanging out with me today....I appreciate you spending time with me!  Have an awesome weekend....

Til next time....