
Monday, November 25, 2019

Touches of Christmas

Saturday the weather was miserable here...rainy and high winds.  Which meant no outside decorating so we turned our attention indoors.  We put our tree up..and I'll share those photos later in the week.  In the meantime,  just little touches spread about the house....who doesn't love some adorable snowmen?

The cute snowman decanter holds bath salts with a little scoop...for warm soaks on those cold nights! And my soap dispenser is filled with some holiday smelling liquid soap...and a few hand towels nearby for drying hands...

I placed my bucket of snowballs on the end of the tub...and a cute snowman holding a couple of bath bombs on his tray....

This bath is basically my ensuite....since our seventies split does not have one!  Back then ensuites off the master bedroom were unheard of in most homes!  So this is mine...all mine!  Mr. Seventies and any guests use the downstairs 3/4 bath...

Yesterday, Mother Nature graced us with a gorgeous day...perfect for getting our outside wreaths and planters put together.  We did up two wreaths and three planters...using branches trimmed from trees, fresh holly and a few bows my E-Z bow maker and I made.

Our daughter loves the outside wreaths and of course her Dad and I always do up one of each for their home too!  We delivered them late yesterday afternoon...and they were so pleased and appreciative of our efforts!

We put together this little winter setting at the back entrance...having to kind of squish things together a they were calling for high winds during the night.  As it turned out...the winds were a no today I will spread things out a bit!!  I hope you can see my sled...we did a fresh wreath and attached it...and my adorable reindeer baby is making another appearance this year!  With all the fresh smells amazing coming up the steps!!

My winter flag I picked up a few weeks back at Inspired Living...

We turned our attention to the front entrance...I will pull my crock out a bit further out  today....even though it's pretty heavy I didn't want to chance the wind knocking it around.  Occasionally, the lanterns may take a tumble...but for the most part when winds are in the forecast...we pull them inside...along with the Merry Christmas sign, 

We ran out of daylight...and energy to spot the clear lights on the Yew tree outside the family room window, flood light to illuminate the door wreath and snowflake projector which sprinkles falling snowflakes on the house.  We'll try to get that done this permitting. 

How was your weekend?  Did you do any decorating?

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