Sunny, blustery with north winds and much cooler here today! I'm fine with having fall...when it's fall. The last few days...we've had summer temperatures..which is nice too!
Mr. Seventies & I will celebrate our anniversary this month...and since Apple released the iPhone 13...he pre-ordered & gifted me with one...and it arrived a few days ago!! Up until now...I've had an Android it's a whole new learning curve. He gifted me the Apple Ear Pods Pro last Christmas...and since my phone was not an Apple...they did not play well with my phone. For ten months...I've not been able to listen to music on my phone when Liesel & I go walking....until now...
I sat admiring the box...for about ten minutes...a little bit hesitant to open it! Cause then there is no going back! I did the same thing with my Mac Book...but it was two-three weeks before I braved setting it up! Anyways...back to the's an iPhone Mini...still a good size...and it's a pretty blue...with a pink/coral Apple case....(so you can't see the colour of the phone..but that's okay).
Now...if you are familiar with Apple products..they never...ever...send instruction booklets. You have to contact Apple support (which is fantastic btw)....or if you are like me...figure it out on your own. Since Mr. Seventies was taking over my previous phone...I bundled up three phones and headed to our Internet Service Provider store. And the sales clerk...did all the transferring of info from one phone to another for me! Easy Peasy, right?
I still had to figure out the various functions of my new phone...and am happy to report...after three days....I think I've got it. Some things I had to Google...or check on You you would have no clue how things worked otherwise...but I'm finally there. And I got to use my ear pods listening to music..the sound is incredible. phone...and ear pods are a win/win! It would have been nice to have a with our vehicle..there are so many features...I still have to haul that manual out occasionally. And when asked what Mr. Seventies would like for an anniversary gift? Beer.
I spent a couple of hours browsing two stores the other day...and came across these cute cushions. Sadly, they were not down filled...and no zippers so you would be able to insert feather inserts...but these are so cute nonetheless. These were only $12.99...I love the Pumpkin Spice one on the left...
And of course anything with a red truck will quicken my heart rate...again not down filled inserts..and quite lacking in batting...but cute all the same...
This Staub dish is the perfect size for was on sale at Bed Bath & Beyond..ordered it & I love it!!
You all know how I love me a tart burner...and yes...I have a few. The seasonal ones are my favourite...I'm currently using my scarecrow one in the kitchen....and pumpkin one in the family room. Well...I've been crushing on this one..."Under Wraps" Scentsy mummy tart burner for a while now and purchased it at a great discounted price on Poshmark! How adorable is this guy?? If he doesn't arrive in time for this fall....I can definitely enjoy him next fall...he also looks amazing lit up! Under cute!

And before heading home...I stopped into Michaels store...which is transitioning from fall to Christmas. All fall & Hallowe'en decor is marked down by 50%...I may have to go back & pick this up! It's a red truck...with my initial on the pumpkin! I could so see this on a large wreath...or on it's own! There was a long lineup at the checkout...and I didn't have time to check out...but I'm going to order this & do curb side pick up....or pop back in. I think with the discount was $11 or not much more...
I love these adorable candles....they have wood they snap & crackle when burning...and I'm thinking the tops could make adorable coasters...these were the last two left!
And this wreath...even at 50% off it was still over priced...but it's just gorgeous! I find the prices on their wreaths...ridiculous. Unless they are BOGO...and I can get two for the price of one...I pass. But..this cute!! I will be checking for any BOGO sales...but it's getting late in the season...depends on how bad they want to move stuff...
And Christmas decor is slowly sneaking into the stores...things are slow to everyone knows...Covid has slowed the production and delivery of goods to just about everywhere. Beautiful hanging piece...or leaned on a mantle...

And picks!! Nothing really caught my eye...and we are supposed to be "downsizing" our Christmas decor this year...we'll see how far that goes. Sounded like a great idea in July...but as we inch towards's iffy...
And...another carpet update! I called & spoke to the salesman & since there was no word on the carpet's arrival...I "suggested" perhaps he call the supplier and inquire as to when and if there might be an arrival date. Or if we need to go with Plan B. (btw...there is no plan B). Supposedly...the carpeting was being shipped "that" day...and would arrive at their store in five business days...which translates arrival on Tuesday. I'll be shocked if it does...but very happy! It was ordered...towards the end of July if memory serves me correctly...
And since this is a special weekend we're celebrating with daughter & family on Sunday and will be missing daughter & family in Nova Scotia...but travel is not recommended. So from our house to yours...
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