
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Quick Thrift Store Visit

In between appointments,  I killed some time & roamed a local thrift store.  Did I mention we are having brain numbing cold temps & windchills?  No??  Well we are.  And I don't like it....not one little bit .  I so dislike when Ma Nature flexes her muscles & reminds us just who is in charge...

Moving on....I thought this planter was super cute....and the price was not bad.....

Until I turned it over.   Not cool...they should remove the cheaper price tag...before inflating the price....

This little vase....would be adorable filled with a small Valentine bouquet....not for me...but for someone.....

Of course...pottery pieces always catch my eye....this one was no exception....

I almost brought this home with me....almost.  I remembered I have no room left in my cabinet...but I wanted it so bad.  It was not a small piece... if it's there next will be mine...

A couple of cute bunnies....I would give them a fresh coat of paint....hoping someone will buy them & do that....

Yup....just this....who else agrees?  

A pretty piece maybe seton a vanity or dresser....a spot to set necklaces, rings....change.  I recently "mis-placed" my anniversary ring....(actually it slid off my finger)....Mr. Seventies found it in the mitten & hat basket in the kitchen....and sternly advised me not to wear my rings until I either get them resized or have ring guards on them.   It's on my to do list to do the latter......

I'm on the lookout for something to set next to the kitchen house the soap dispensers in...not sure what I want....but I'll know when I find it....

If this piece was a bit bigger.....I could have set them inside....otherwise I have no idea what it could be used for....


This print & frame is great....although I have absolutely no place to hang or set it....I'm sure it will be snatched up quickly....

I apologize for the light reflection...I'm crushing on these pics....had our little one not switched from ballet to tap dance....these would be hanging on her wall....

Now this.....had to come home with me.  I'm not sure why....maybe because it was signed on the back to someone from their grandmother....dated 1978!!!  I'd love for it to have a more substantial frame.... it deserves one.  I'm not usually drawn to cross stitch....but this is so well done....and someone put a lot for thought & love into it....

And with browsing came to an end.   It was time to head to my appointment.  I'm happy to report the seam filler is coming today to put the first skim coat on the small bedroom ceiling.  Hopefully after three coats & sanding in between.....Mr. Seventies will be ready to prime this weekend.  

I'm picking up ceiling & wall paint today....hopeful you are not having the same frigid temps where you are.....

Til next time....

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