
Monday, May 30, 2022

Mr. Seventies - My Super Hero

Another start to another week! While I have been under the weather....Mr. Seventies managed to take excellent care of me....while completing dozens of tasks around the house!  He is my real life super hero!  

Firstly he started with cleaning & disinfecting our home, wiping up the kitchen floor, hallway, front & back entries, both baths...stripped the master bedroom bedding...washed & hung everything on the line to sanitize in the sun, he vacuumed and then turned his attention to the windows.  He removed each shutter...cleaned every window inside and out...wiped each shutter down before re-installing them and replaced three screens that needed new screening (including the exterior storm door).  

Then he turned his attention to the the front walk!  He took this photo...he did such an amazing job.  There is one little the the right of the walk...where he is putting in a little pathway...with paw print cement stones.  We plan a trip to our favourite green house in Summerside this week...where he will pick up 3-4 more to complete the pathway....

He also completed the back walkway to the storage shed...I'll get a photo of that once he has it finished to his satisfaction.  There was also 5 yards of soil/compost he spread in the gardens...and another 3 yards to be delivered this week!  He plans to re-seed the area where my new fire pot will sit...

Since I was feeling better yesterday...he set up the deck furniture!  It was a beautiful, warm day...and even Liesel enjoyed lounging in the sun!!

Every year we wait impatiently for Mother Nature to bestow warm weather on us....and she hasn't disappointed....(love how my girl's little noggin is peeking up...).  The string of Edison bulbs was also attached to the ped way....I enjoy seeing them lit up after dark....(found a use for an extra tobacco how it turned out)....

There is nothing more healing than sitting in the fresh air.  I had thought about adding some outdoor decor cushions....but while they would look amazing...they'd serve no purpose....still mulling it around in my head though....

My new garden flag holder arrived....I love where we decided to place it this year!  In the next couple of weeks 5-6 yards of black mulch will be delivered....and all the flower gardens and this area will receive a fresh layer!  Another task Mr. Seventies enjoys doing....topping up the gardens....and he potted a couple of Begonias for the steps...

I'm sure I'm forgetting a number of chores Mr. Seventies crossed off his list... I am blessed to have such an awesome husband & partner.  And so very thankful, while he had a bit of a flu passed quickly and he felt no ill effects....

It was necessary to cancel plans with my friend last make up for lost time....we are planning an evening at dinner and then attending a class to make this adorable sign...the truck is are the six interchangeable pieces of your choosing!  I've decided I want to do the popsicles, pumpkins, stars and Christmas tree.    They also have a "Welcome Gnome" sign class I plan to take next time it is offered!

And Mr. Seventies hung my barn quilt!  I just did not have the heart to hang it here is her new home!  

The pool is not up and running yet.  Depending on the weather....that may be a chore for next weekend.  Once Mr. Seventies installs the pump....after 24 hours of circulating....we will take a water sample in for testing...pick up whatever supplies are needed (usually just a container of buffer)...and we will be ready for another season of swimming!  We have enough pucks and shock to do us for some last year...due to shortages rumours....we stocked up!!

I hope everyone had an eventful week as well!  As always, I'll be sharing later over on Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday and tomorrow at a Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday!  Hope to see you there!


  1. Charlotte, so sorry to hear you were sick but glad that you are starting to feel better now. Wow for all the chores your husband crossed off his list! Your patio and barn quilt both look amazing. Hope you enjoy your dinner and sign making class! Take care!

  2. Hi Kim!! Hope things are well with you!! Busy time of year...:)
