
Monday, May 20, 2024

Catching Up

Happy Victoria Day & Happy Memorial Day!  Another Monday has rolled around!  Mr. Seventies has a repair & painting marathon happening on the pool deck!   I reminded him this chore is not a marathon...

He started out strong getting the deck floor scraped and stained....with a few boards needing replacement.  Somehow he got into replacing a number of boards on the pool deck walls!  Which required a few trips to Home Depot for lumber.  It's been sixteen years since the pool, decking & privacy walls were built & over the years.....due to Mr. Seventies great maintenance only a few boards have needed to be replaced.  So it came as no surprise a few more than expected have needed new boards.  

He has all the pool deck walls needing replacement done...and a fresh coat of stain....and one coat on the floors.  There are also a couple of steps needing new boards.  The weather for the next couple of days is looking he will continue staining...

I found this amazing crock on the junk/antique shop's FB page (located in Summerside)....and decided I had to have it...

The shop owner's daughter works at a facility not far from our home...she brought it with her a few days ago.  I retrieved it from her vehicle....and am loving it!  I had hoped to put it on top of my kitchen cabinets...along side a Gripstand bowl....but it was too tall!   Second choice place....on top of my dish cabinet....

A little update on the lamps I ordered...they arrived and I absolutely love them!  

While they are not as tall as my previous lamps....we don't read in bed...and they are seldom they will suffice....

However.....there is a snafu!  They won't turn off!  Go figure.  There is a button to tap to turn them on....then tap again for the dimness or brightness needed.  And that's where the issue lies.  Rather than turn off....they just keep going from dim, bright & brighter!  The only way to turn them to unplug them!  What is strange...,it occurs with both lamps!  The seller is sending a new set....fingers crossed they work properly.   Not sure what I will do with the first set....

I picked a beautiful bouquet of tulips...every day there are more & more coming up!!

It's wonderful to see the gardens come alive...every day things are opening up.   I couldn't help but take in the amazing cloud cover one morning while on my morning walk with Liesel.....

I set out my sunflower tiered tray....added a few "faux" treats....

We enjoyed our first feed of fiddleheads!  Growing up...these were a staple in our house every spring!   They are not as popular here as in our home province of New Brunswick....but the local grocery stores bring them in each year...they are delicious.  I think in the US they are called fiddle ferns.   I think they are to us what lobster is to Islanders....

We spent a wonderful afternoon with grand daughter....hitting up a few favourite greenhouses & shops....and of course a stop along the way at a wonderful park for some serious play time!  We had a great stop was at our favourite bakery...where our little one enjoyed a cake pop...

And against my better judgement....I picked up a few cream cheese covered cinnamon buns....(for the occasional morning treat)...

Join me today over at for Metamorphis Monday!  And again tomorrow with Joanne at for Talking About It Tuesdays & for Inspire Me Tuesday....

Til next time....


  1. I still need to try fiddle heads. Will see when they become available in our area.
    I visited you via A Stroll Through Life: Inspire Me Tuesday. My entries are numbered #44+45.
    Please join us at SSPS: M-S

    1. Oh I hope you are able to find fiddleheads! Their season is short..but they are so delicious!!

  2. Oh I can not resist a delicious cinnamon bun especially with cream cheese frosting. I bet the deck is looking wonderful; we try to repaint our dock every year to keep it somewhat weatherproof--- and somehow that job always falls to me!

    1. It's proving to be a bigger job than anticipated...lots of decking needing replacing...and a few on the pool deck walls. My days of physical labour are long past....hubby can still putter & get jobs done!!
