
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Contractor Woes

The guy we hired - I let go yesterday!  (as in fired).  He was only here two days last week - and in those two days - he might have scraped the kitchen ceiling for 6 hours - for both days.  He'd show up at eleven o'clock...take an hour and more for lunch & numerous smoke breaks.  Mr. Seventies ended up scraping as well to move things along.

He started to seam fill - and had no idea we realized very quickly - to repair any damage.  And his seam filling - well let's just say...I could have done better.  He could not give a timeline for job completion & claimed he would make no money on this job.  When he left on Friday....I knew we were done with him.  

When he showed up yesterday....right on the dot - at eleven o'clock - I advised Mr. Seventies would be completing the work.  (after all he scraped the family room, front entry & hallway...and replaced damaged gyproc in the hall.)   And then the guy stood in awkward silence for 3-4 minutes!

This was last evening....Mr. Seventies cutting out the cracked gyproc & putting new....

I agreed upon a price to pay the guy (way over priced) - but to get clear of him I agreed - and requested an invoice.  He emailed the invoice to me...with an additional $200 charge for "cancellation of job"!  Um, no.  There is no cancellation policy stated on the quote he had given for the job...I advised we would not be paying anything more than we agreed upon.  He replied "ok".  So..we are done with him.  A valuable lesson learned...and the contractor that Mr. Seventies putters with...said we dodged a bullet. 

We currently have an awesome seam filler here working his magic...Mr. Seventies knows him well...and he is the only seam filler our contractor friend will hire...

Talk about drama!

Mr. Seventies plans to paint the ceilings....against my objections.  But he is stubborn...and will start in the kitchen when the time comes.  I'm treating our home like a job site....keeping the dust and debris to a minimum & have two vacuums working overtime....

The walls will all need to be painted...and I absolutely despise picking paint colours!  I'm going to the Benjamin Moore store today-  there is a gal there who is amazing...I will pick her brain & get a number of paint chips for starts.  

The new rug should arrive will be great to have that for some colour inspiration!  The replacement lamps were just delivered -  fingers crossed they work!  If not...I am done with that also. 

That is an update from here!!  

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