
Monday, May 27, 2024

Things Just Got Real--Ceilings Update

To say we're living in upheaval is an understatement!  Removing stucco from the ceilings has been intense - white dust everywhere!  And I mean everywhere!  But we fully expected it to be a mess!

What we didn't expect was a contractor working only a few hours a day!  Don't get me wrong....he is a super nice guy...but just isn't going to be able to finish this job.  He was expected on Thursday morning..."somewhere between 9-10 am" - he didn't arrive until almost 11 am.  Then he "forgot something"...and left for an hour.   Also when asked how long this process would take - "he had no idea".

When he finally got started....the most he put in was about 4 hours - with over an hour for a lunch break (I'm assuming as he was gone over another hour).  The removal was much harder in places...lots more sanding & scraping (in the kitchen)....and he commented he wasn't going to make any money on this job - he'd never had the stucco so difficult to come off.  (I truly suspect he has not done this before).

It isn't easy reaching over the kitchen cabinets...I'll agree.  Mr. Seventies decided to chip in & help..and on Friday (after an early 10 am start with more than an hour for lunch.....and smoke breaks)....the kitchen ceiling was finally fully scraped....

Over the weekend....Mr. Seventies scraped the family room, front entry and half the hallway ceilings clean!  It took him only about 6-7 hours!  Is it difficult in some places?  Yes. 

This morning...we plan to let our guy go.  We will definitely pay him for the hours he has put in...but this work needs to get done efficiently...we cannot live in this mess indefinitely.  He seemed very discouraged when he left Friday...and with no timeline in just isn't going to work out.  And I assumed there was more than him coming.  He kept saying "we"......I thought he had workers...but it's just been him.  

We know an excellent seam filler...(we weren't aware he has extensive experience removing stucco ceilings).  He has done work for us in the past....and is an excellent worker & does amazing seam filling.  He dropped in...and offered to skim coat all the will take him less than two hours.  

There is gyproc damage in the hallway...(from walking between the trusses in the attic)....long cracks...Mr. Seventies will put new gyproc up & then it can be seam filled....along with a couple of other places that are damaged.  Gotta love this seventies split!!

The plan today is to have a chat with our current guy....and hopefully come to a friendly, parting of ways.  We want this work done...sooner rather than later.

And we will need to repaint at least two maybe three of the rooms....the kitchen, family room & possibly the hallway.  So, the ceilings need to get done first.

Here is where we are currently at....the kitchen ceiling is nekkid!!  Such a beautiful thing!

This area in the kitchen, in between and the family room needs to be repaired....same on the other side wall in the family room...

The family room & front entry...Mr. Seventies did run into a couple of areas that were difficult to remove...where the stucco was applied thinly.   The thicker spots were much easier to scrape off....

Welcome to our mess!  It will be so worth it in the end have smooth, beautifully painted ceilings!  Oh and when the stucco is put into wouldn't believe how heavy it is!!

Not sure if we had Sasquatch drop by to help or not!  Mr. Seventies hand prints....he was fully covered in white dust!!  Looks like foot prints!!

That is where we are at this morning!  I picked up some paint chips for the walls over the weekend...going to look different in the rooms when done!  The new area rug is due to arrive Thursday!  We'll set it aside until everything is completed.

I decided it was time for new dinnerware....and ordered a couple of sets of this pretty stoneware...I am obsessed with it!   Love the bright colours!!

Have you seen these baskets for storage...with a toilet tissue holder?  Absolute genius!  My metal storage stand is showing signs of rust....moisture from showers I suspect....I'm definitely ordering one these....they come in a couple of colours.   I love this one...

Oh....and the pollen has arrived!  Everything outside is covered.  The deck staining has been put on hold...due to the pollen....and our attentions have turned to inside for the next couple of weeks.  And we will be spending days & days cleaning & getting rid of white dust!  Not rushing to open the pool....still cool single temperatures overnight.  And the June bugs need to go back to hell where they came from!!  

Join me later today at for Metamorphis Monday!  Always great to catch up with other bloggers!

And tomorrow I'll be sharing at for Inspire Me Tuesday and for Talking About It Tuesdays.

Til next sure & stay tuned!!


  1. I forgot that you were in Canada and my eyes flew open at the words "single temperatures" . I feel your pain with both the contractor problems and the horrible dust. Been there, done that.

    1. Hahaha...sorry to give you such a scare! Contractor problem solved (albeit an expensive solution)..& the dust is bad! Can't wait to have this project done for sure.

  2. Oh Charlotte, I'm so sorry to hear of all your troubles - must be frustrating! But you are right, it will be awesome when it's done. Your new dinnerware is so bright and pretty and the toilet paper holder is genius. We have some pollen here too and are still in the single digits most nights as well. But the daytime highs are creeping up and it won't be long now. Can't wait to see the finished ceilings. Take care my friend!

    1. So good to hear from you, Kim! It has been a day - I'll write a post about it! Along with the ceilings...we are painting the rooms as well...I so don't like picking paint colours though! Fingers crossed we both get into a pattern of warm weather!!

  3. Hi Linda!!! You are so right - cannot wait to have my home back!! Hopping over to your blog now!!

  4. Oh yes, that does look like a messy job but it will be so nice to have it finished! I hope you were able to part ways without hurt feelings (something tells me he didn't really want the job once he realized what it entailed!).
