
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Primary Bedroom Re-Do Started

Mr. Seventies is back painting again!  I thought maybe we would get started on the bedroom next week...but he has chosen today to begin & who am I to disagree?  Currently he is taping things off & placed a couple of old, clean sheets over the bed...he's slid the night tables into the guest bedroom...and covered the remaining furniture with plastic sheets....

You can see from this morning photo...just how dark the room is until the light comes around in the middle of the afternoon.  I have no idea what or why I chose this wall colour... it is depressing to say the least...especially with the dark furniture...very little natural light doesn't help.  I've considered painting the bed an antique white...but will leave it alone......


Remember, I mentioned when making decisions...sometimes it's an instant thing?  And other times...I struggle.  When I saw this colour....Sunstone by clicked.  Mix it up & let's go....

I'm hope I don't regret my choice...but it's only paint...(says the woman who has a full un-used gallon of blue paint in the hall closet).  I think anything but the current colour will be an improvement.  What do you think?  Have I made the right decision...feel free to share your input....

I'm currently trying to find suitable the length I want (21") and it is a challenge!!  I've ordered 24" tiers...and may have them shortened.....I'll have to see when they idea may not work out...

The pellet stove & surround are completely finished!  Stove & chimney have been thoroughly cleaned & ready for heating season!  The technician advised everything can be painted as many times as needed...the high heat spray paint is much easier to use than regular spray paint.

There is little to no over-spray or easy to use!  So much so...I taped off the glass & painted the stove!  Very happy with the results....not to mention a $6,000 savings...

I discovered these soy wax melts from Arvidsson...they also sell essential oils, diffusers and tart burners.   I put in an order...and they smell amazing!  You can find them on Amazon (just a free plug)....I'm currently using Snickerdoodles in a warmer...the smell is delicious!

I'm so ready to be done with these warm temps!  After today, we should enjoy more seasonal temps... we are almost officially in to fall!  We've been enjoying the fire pit in the evenings.  Mr. Seventies found a use for the bag of sand used in the pool to keep the pool steps secured....he spread the sand around the fire pit stove (done after this pic was taken)....and we've been enjoying fresh corn on the cob & carrots from the garden!  It is wonderful to have fresh veggies....

I have a dentist appointment's been a busy week for appointments!  And...after a three month ordeal...the SUV will finally have a new muffler installed next week!  This situation has been on-going since early June...waiting for the muffler to arrive (since it can only be purchased through the dealership).

It went into our mechanic's shop two weeks ago to have the muffler installed....only to discover a required gasket was not included. And, of course..the dealer ordered it.....but couldn't find it!  Another two week wait time...but now the gasket is in the glove box...the new muffler is in the trunk...and fingers crossed it will be installed next week!   I was so excited to purchase this SUV (3 1/2 years ago) - now I cannot wait to unload it! 

Thanks so much for hanging out with me today!  I hope the rest of your day is awesome!   Til next time....

Monday, September 16, 2024

Little Bit of A Hallowe'en Kitchen

Can you believe we are in the middle of September already?  We've had a few fall-like days and over nights....the forecast the next few days is predicting return of the warm temps!  I'm over it!  Give me cooler, windy days with broody skies!  

While I wait for fall to "officially" arrive....come sit a spell in my kitchen!  The coffee is on...

 This area is Mr. Seventies favourite....everything is close by for making coffee & tea ....

I picked up these little dishes at the thrift shop last year...great for setting a cookie or small snack on...(minus the creepy spiders...)

Smells amazing in the kitchen....lots of pumpkin spice tart melts in the warmers...and spooky mugs on hand for hot beverages...

And Marvin the Mummy has a whole pumpkin full of candy of Mr. Seventies favourite treats!!

I'm crushing on the pumpkin place mats I ordered from Simons!   And the ghost pitcher holds a bouquet of fall colours....

The front entry got a few touches of fall.....I'm still loving on the scarecrow hooked rug!

The apron around the pellet stove is completely done....we left it off as the technician is coming today to clean both the stove & chimney.  This is the door & piece that houses the stove controls & is wired into the stove....which I did not remove for spraying...I covered everything in plastic, set it in a box & was able to spray it there.  I'll be happy to have the area put back together...

I've hope you've enjoyed this little tour of the kitchen!  

Be sure & join me today over at for Metamorphis Monday!!

And tomorrow at for Talking About It Tuesday!! A Stroll Thru Life is hosting some amazing home tours this sure & check those out as well!!

Thanks so much for spending a bit of your time with me....I'm so glad you are here!

Til next time...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Pellet Stove-Sticker Shock

For the past year or so.....we ( thought it might be time to upgrade or replace our wood pellet stove.   Why,  I'm not sure.  It works perfect - the heat it throws is wonderful - so not sure why I felt the need to 'upgrade".

A quick visit to Hearth & Ember (heating store) was a real eye opener!  Firstly, was the price!  To replace the stove - with one identical (because they haven't changed's the same stove)...the price is $5,500 plus taxes!   *thud*! 

Nothing has changed in the design or workings of the stove in the fourteen years since we've had it why replace it I was asked.   Good question.     Parts, such as the auger (feeds the pellets) and the igniter...have been replaced over the years - not much else left to replace.

Now, there is nothing wrong with our is efficient & works perfectly fine!  The thing that bothers you can see in the the areas where the finish on the cowling (or apron) around the stove...has worn away.    The most visible is where the door panel is (to turn on the stove)...there are a couple of other spots as well....

We were advised it's an easy fix!  It could be removed & dropped off at Hearth & Ember....and they will spray it with high heat paint!   If we're going to remove it....we can spray paint it!  I picked up cans of high heat paint from Home Depot.   If the wind doesn't come up...I'll be able to spray outside!   We've had winds everyday, with the exception of one day for the past two weeks...

Mr. Seventies has the apron off & will set up a "spraying station" outside again.

We've did request an appointment for a technician to clean the stove, behind it & the chimney...a yearly maintenance job.  And I just saved Mr. Seventies about $6,000.  

The little table & chair set paint job is complete!  It turned out absolutely perfect!!  A cute spot for grand daughter to eat, colour & work on puzzles....

Setting out the Hallowe'en decor...packed up two boxes of items I'm not using & dropped them off for's a bit of a sneak peek on the kitchen table...

I'm loving this house shaped is adorable with a battery operated flickering candle inside...

I plan  to pick up a couple of fall mums for the front step....the weather for the unforeseeable future looks visible storms out there churning yet!

Mr. Seventies has been replacing deck boards around the pool...snow lays there during the winter & every year a few boards need to be replaced.  They will be ready for staining in the spring....

Liesel has a dental cleaning later in the month...and another tummy ultrasound.  While the vomiting has subsided quite a is still happening.  She is now taking medication daily..... as opposed to every other day.

While she is under sedation for the dental....the ultrasound will be done.  It will give a clear picture if the inflammation in her stomach lining has subsided.  She still has a small lump on her tail...although much smaller I'm hoping  it won't not be an issue...keeping a close eye on it.  

Hope you have an awesome weekend & thanks so much for hanging out with me!

Til next time....

Monday, September 9, 2024

Child's Table & Chair Re-Do

We've been seeking  a table & chair set for grand daughter to use when she visits...and daughter came across this set with a whopping price tag of $15!  (kitty not included) - it had been pre-loved as you can see in the photo...and required a deep clean...

Mr. Seventies armed with a bucket of cleaner & hot water.....removed most of the crayon/marker, grime & felt floor pads on each leg.   One chair leg needed tightening....but otherwise it is a sturdy, well made set.   

After a coat of was time to choose a paint colour...I was thinking a primary colour for certain...leaning towards orange.   Then I saw this chip....and fell hard for Funky Frog by Sico!  I mean....who wouldn't?

Mr. Seventies got busy & over three days applied three coats fresh paint....he worked a bit in the shed.....then moved outdoors...this is the first coat going on....

I picked up new floor pads to stick on the bottom of each leg.....once the set cures & brought in the house I'll share photos.   It is truly adorable...and a lotta love went into the much needed makeover!

We took Liesel & ventured to Cavendish for the annual Wienerpalooza!  It's held at Marco Polo Land camp site (named for a ship that sank in nearby waters many years ago).  Cavendish is also the home of the beloved fictional character, Anne of Green Gables.  At one was the tourist destination capital.  Now not so much...there is a huge country music festival held each year drawing in thousands of visitors...

Wienerpalooza is a fundraiser for Atlantic Canada Dachshund Rescue....a group I volunteered with a number of years ago!  Having fostered many a dachshund needing rehoming (and failing once - our first wirehair arrived...and never left)....and a member on the Board of Directors.  While I've retired from volunteering, I support rescue in any way I'm able....and was happy to meet the current President of the group.

So many activities going on, wiener races, shopping booths & hot dog was a challenge to get a couple of pics of some adorable weens!!  The little pie bald on the right looks so much like our beloved boy, Oskar....we still miss him terribly....

Although the sun was was a very blustery seen with my hair blowing in the wind!   Liesel did very well being surrounded by other most were her size!  She was a bit overwhelmed a time or two...because she is a reactive dog we don't put her in situations where she will lash out!  We kept our interactions short...

We limit her time with & access to larger dogs & small children...neither of which she is comfortable around!  If you don't have experience with a reactive's difficult for people to understand their behaviours.  But we do..... we accommodate Liesel....not people.

And avoid placing her in situations where she could react negatively.  Our previous male dachshund was highly reactive....and aggressive.  It took his whole lifetime spent training & teaching - and understanding his triggers.  I wish humans were as understanding...

I've been doing a bit of Hallowe'en decorating...and picked up the paint to have Mr. Seventies paint our bedroom...hope you will stay tuned for that!

Be sure & join me later at my favourite blog parties.... for Metamorphis Monday...

And tomorrow at for Inspire Me Tuesday and for Talking About It Tuesday!!

Thank you for hanging out with me for a little while....I so appreciate you being here!   Til next time.....

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Soon Time To Decorate For Fall!!

Are you decorated for fall (and when I say fall...that includes Hallowe'en)? I'm waiting for a couple of pieces to Doug the Ghost dog!  He was shipped the last week in August...carried with Purolator...but tracking has not been updated, so not sure where Doug is!!  He could show up any day...

The other piece, as of yesterday is "on the way" seriously cute is this pitcher?  The spoon is included.....

Look what was delivered yesterday!  Wasn't due until tomorrow...but a pleasant surprise!  It's amazing how light (compared to our old tv) the new sets are!  So easy to install as well...

This is our first "smart" tv...I thought I would required guidance in programming it...our son-in-law was on hand for assistance...but I only needed help in one area...and then I was able to enjoy a bit of Hallowe'en ambience.  I mute the sound...but sometimes prefer to listen to the winds &  leaves crunching...

I thought of asking Mr. Seventies build a frame for the tv.....still considering it....

Finally, the winds which have been blowing a bit too much these days...subsided & we had a calm day.   I was able to spray the stack of pumpkins!  Mr. Seventies set up a make shift spray table!  They were looking a bit beat up can see a few scuffs in the photo...

And afterwards....a stack of "Lumina" pumpkins!!  I used only one can of spray paint & surprisingly  it worked really well!  I had just completed a second dried to a matte finish...

The new electric blanket arrived...and boy is it heavy!   Cannot wait to put it on the bed...with the overnight temperatures cooling down!

Have you heard & seen the chatter all over the internet sharing how to have amazing, clean smelling laundry? has me interested & I'm picking up the "ingredients" today! You know I'm all about amazing scents!!  In case you are is a list of things to have great smelling, fresh laundry! (Oxy Clean powder can be added as well..).

Gain - Moonlight Breeze scented liquid or pods

Gain - Moonlight Breeze scented dryer sheets

Downy - Scent Booster Beads - Ocean Mist scent

Downey Fabric Softener - Rinse and Refresh - Ocean Mist scent

I can't wait to do laundry!!  (said no one ever)!  I'll be taking over laundry duty....Mr. Seventies will require extensive training before attempting this challenge....

I'll report back on hopefully my success!

Have an awesome day, thanks so much for stopping by!

Til next time....

Monday, September 2, 2024

Welcome To The First "Ber" Month!!


Happy Labour Day as well!!  September is a wonderful month...and officially holds the last day of summer!  The pool is draining.....the pool deck is cleared off & only the furniture remains on the small deck...we do get warm days for sitting out & the fire pit gets used more as the evenings are cooler & darker much earlier....

They say things come in threes, right?  Since the nights are cooler....I put the electric blanket on the bed...only to discover it had quit working!  After a few short years of faithful no longer heats up!  Only one store here carries them....and I've had no luck with their Sunbeam brand.  I've ordered this Westinghouse one from Amazon.  Colours were not optional.... it's not seen on the bed so the colour is not a deal breaker....having two controllers is a must....

The second thing to go....was the tv in the family room!  Now, we don't even have cable....we never watch tv!  You probably question why we would replace it.    I use it for various screen wallpapers or scenes...florals, hallowe'en and Christmas usually.  Mr. Seventies insisted if I enjoyed the scenes then we should have one.   The electrical & cable outlet are wired in behind the's either hang a large canvas....or replace the tv.   We went with option B.  Let's hope it mounts on the wall with the current bracket with no issues...(cause there are always issues!!).....

I don't know what it's like in your area....but here you can't just walk in to a store & purchase a tv!  That would be too easy.   They are either sold out or the ones in store are demos only.  You are required to order one!  Go figure.  Fed Ex will be delivering this one later in the least shipping was "free".....

Fingers crossed nothing else decides to quit working!!  The old tv is in the SUV....ready to be taken to the recycling depot tomorrow....

Remember I shared this cute item a few days ago?  It arrived....but would not screw together!  (maybe that is the third thing!!).   The seller fully reimbursed & did not require it to be shipped back.    I didn't have the heart to send it to recycling....Mr. Seventies, being the handyman he is.....was able to get it together!   It is adorable!!  The flickering bulb works like a little fire pit!

I was out & about the other day & popped into a local grocery superstore...they have a home goods section & a few Hallowe'en items in stock.   I'm crushing on this spooky wreath.....the bow could use a bit of fluffing...

Adorable light up ghosts...and a few pretty pumpkins!  I hope you are not sick of Hallowe'en decor....cause I am loving it!!  Have you noticed the pastel colours they are making now?  Lots of pink & white....some are true Hallowe'en colour die-hards...I happen to love it all!!

I haven't begun to put out my fall & Hallowe'en decor....the PB cushion Doug the Ghost dog has been shipped & should be arriving soon.

I found two cans of ivory spray paint in satin finish at a local hardware store...$13.99/can.....better price than I'd seen previously.  Not the trigger spray handle I prefer...but hopefully the nozzles will work!  I need a calm day to set the stack of pumpkins out & spray them...and currently we have winds most days!  A true sign of fall here....

I  picked up a few paint chips for our bedroom...a task I find overwhelming (not the Mr. Seventies does that....but making a paint colour decision)....but once I find "the" one...I know.  I have purchased paint in the past & changed my mind & not used it!  I really have to love the colour!  Anyone else share my anxiety?  

We shared a delicious meal & family time with daughter & family!  My son-in-law made the most delicious pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing for dessert!!   Sadly, it was not a pool day...but we still enjoy being together...

Be sure & join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday!!  

And again tomorrow at for Inspire Me Tuesdays and for Talking About It Tuesdays!

Please join me & check out some fun & informative blogs!  

Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your time with me today....I so appreciate it! 

Til next time...