
Monday, September 2, 2024

Welcome To The First "Ber" Month!!


Happy Labour Day as well!!  September is a wonderful month...and officially holds the last day of summer!  The pool is draining.....the pool deck is cleared off & only the furniture remains on the small deck...we do get warm days for sitting out & the fire pit gets used more as the evenings are cooler & darker much earlier....

They say things come in threes, right?  Since the nights are cooler....I put the electric blanket on the bed...only to discover it had quit working!  After a few short years of faithful no longer heats up!  Only one store here carries them....and I've had no luck with their Sunbeam brand.  I've ordered this Westinghouse one from Amazon.  Colours were not optional.... it's not seen on the bed so the colour is not a deal breaker....having two controllers is a must....

The second thing to go....was the tv in the family room!  Now, we don't even have cable....we never watch tv!  You probably question why we would replace it.    I use it for various screen wallpapers or scenes...florals, hallowe'en and Christmas usually.  Mr. Seventies insisted if I enjoyed the scenes then we should have one.   The electrical & cable outlet are wired in behind the's either hang a large canvas....or replace the tv.   We went with option B.  Let's hope it mounts on the wall with the current bracket with no issues...(cause there are always issues!!).....

I don't know what it's like in your area....but here you can't just walk in to a store & purchase a tv!  That would be too easy.   They are either sold out or the ones in store are demos only.  You are required to order one!  Go figure.  Fed Ex will be delivering this one later in the least shipping was "free".....

Fingers crossed nothing else decides to quit working!!  The old tv is in the SUV....ready to be taken to the recycling depot tomorrow....

Remember I shared this cute item a few days ago?  It arrived....but would not screw together!  (maybe that is the third thing!!).   The seller fully reimbursed & did not require it to be shipped back.    I didn't have the heart to send it to recycling....Mr. Seventies, being the handyman he is.....was able to get it together!   It is adorable!!  The flickering bulb works like a little fire pit!

I was out & about the other day & popped into a local grocery superstore...they have a home goods section & a few Hallowe'en items in stock.   I'm crushing on this spooky wreath.....the bow could use a bit of fluffing...

Adorable light up ghosts...and a few pretty pumpkins!  I hope you are not sick of Hallowe'en decor....cause I am loving it!!  Have you noticed the pastel colours they are making now?  Lots of pink & white....some are true Hallowe'en colour die-hards...I happen to love it all!!

I haven't begun to put out my fall & Hallowe'en decor....the PB cushion Doug the Ghost dog has been shipped & should be arriving soon.

I found two cans of ivory spray paint in satin finish at a local hardware store...$13.99/can.....better price than I'd seen previously.  Not the trigger spray handle I prefer...but hopefully the nozzles will work!  I need a calm day to set the stack of pumpkins out & spray them...and currently we have winds most days!  A true sign of fall here....

I  picked up a few paint chips for our bedroom...a task I find overwhelming (not the Mr. Seventies does that....but making a paint colour decision)....but once I find "the" one...I know.  I have purchased paint in the past & changed my mind & not used it!  I really have to love the colour!  Anyone else share my anxiety?  

We shared a delicious meal & family time with daughter & family!  My son-in-law made the most delicious pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing for dessert!!   Sadly, it was not a pool day...but we still enjoy being together...

Be sure & join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday!!  

And again tomorrow at for Inspire Me Tuesdays and for Talking About It Tuesdays!

Please join me & check out some fun & informative blogs!  

Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your time with me today....I so appreciate it! 

Til next time...


  1. Hi Charlotte. So sorry about the heating blanket and the TV, but so happy that Mr. Seventies was able to fix that sweet little ghost light! I am so looking for pink pumpkins - there was some in HomeSense but they were $24.99 each - too much for me. So maybe I'll just get the plastic ones and spray paint them - great idea! We are very hot here and will be most of the week. Ugh. Enjoy your cooler weather if that's what you having and happy Monday to you!

    1. Hi Kim!! Check Michaels for pink pumpkins!! Especially BOBO - I always check their website - sometimes order & do pick up! We may get the odd hot day here...but there is definitely a shift to cooler temps!! Have an awesome week my friend!!!

  2. Sorry to hear about your blanket and TV! Glad they were somewhat easy to replace. I actually love picking out paint but I too just seem to know when I've found the right color. I rarely second guess myself because I figure if I really don't like it I can always repaint.

    1. Hi Joanne! I wish I shared your ease of picking out paint colour! lol! It's so true can be repainted! I'll be sure & share that with Mr. Seventies...hahahaha!! He probably wouldn't mind too much....
