
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Apple & Pumpkin Picking Time

We spent a beautiful afternoon apple picking at a local of our must go-to spots!  We're lovers of MacIntosh apples....and they were ready for picking...

 There were pumpkins & gourds still growing at the orchard...

Once our bushel basket was full of apples....we headed to a local pumpkin patch close by....

And we were not disappointed in the choices of pumpkins, squash & the "Blaze" pumpkins...we picked one out....

The prices for pumpkins in the grocery stores here....are $8 each!!  You can be guaranteed the grower is not getting anywhere near close to that....another reason to purchase direct from the field!   We also picked a Lumina (white) pumpkin and a blue-greenish one!  Next year....we will plant a few pumpkins in our veggie garden...

Sunflowers were growing tall....reaching out to the sun...just look at that broody sky!

We finished off the afternoon with a visit to our favourite ice cream shop....grand daughter joined us on this afternoon....and enjoyed her favourite ice cream treat!  

I've added a few pieces to my wardrobe....I had ordered this casual matching was on sale on their online website.....

However, a larger size in the bottoms arrived...thankful there is a local shop here....and I was able to quickly do an exchange...

I didn't get out of the store without this amazing coat catching my eye!  I had noticed it on their is even more gorgeous in person....and extra shopping "bonus" points on all purchases that day.  I slipped on a size medium...and it fit beautifully....yes, please!  I now have four coats & jackets...that should suffice...

It will pair well with this warm pillbox hat....

Liesel update - our resident wire hair did amazing at her appointments - she lost a couple of small teeth...but given her age & minimal tooth loss over the years....our veterinarian had no concerns removing these teeth that were crowding molars....

Her tummy ultrasound showed an improvement in the lining inflammation...and her tail, where she had a lump...has healed nicely.  A small bump remains but the cyst contains no bacteria or cancerous matter. Both her tummy & tail area were shaved,  the fur will grow back in time...

She will remain on daily medication for her tummy for the time being....and we will re-assess in a month's time...

It's been a busy two weeks with numerous appointments....medical and other wise.  We are caught up until early October....

Much needed rain is in the forecast for the next three is extremely dry here.  Mr. Seventies order of tulip bulbs arrived....and the ground was hard for planting them!  But, they are a good watering from Mother Nature is most welcomed....

Thanks so much for hanging out with me today....I appreciate you spending time with me!  Have an awesome weekend....

Til next time....


  1. That is a beautiful coat! Our favorite apple varieties are honey crisps (for eating) and cortland (for cooking).

    1. The coat is gorgeous, thank you. Coming from a small village, the only apples eaten were they were readily available at U Picks. It is by far, in my opinion, the best eating apple...also great for applesauce and apple crisp!!
