
Friday, May 21, 2021

Happy Victoria Day Weekend!!

A long weekend...although the weather is going to be a bit unsettled.  But is beautiful....sun is beaming...and forecast to be 21 degrees!  In previous years...this was the weekend we opened the pool and got it ready for summer.  Since the temps are forecast to be cooler...we plan to wait for a week or more to get it operational. 

The flowers, trees and shrubs are coming to life...things are slower blooming here on our fair Island...the tulips have given me numerous beautiful bouquets though...

I love to pick fresh bunches...Mr. Seventies planted a large number and variety of them for picking!  Such a beautiful bounty of colour...we have people stopping to admire every day!

The azalea is working so hard to bloom!  We've had this shrub for 35+ years...out of necessity it has been moved around a few an attempt to find the right spot for it to flourish.  Most we see are covered in blooms..maybe in a few days more blossoms will come out...

I want to share a few things I have ordered....I couldn't pass up on these cute earrings...

And this is the perfect summer cover up...and tie dye is my has pockets!

Not that I needed another dress...but this one I really love...the buttons are off to one side!  It is so soft and comfortable...

I've struggled to find sandals that won't cause pain in the ball of my foot.  Birkenstocks are usually recommended...but I find them to look awkward...and I feel like Freddy Flintstone with them on.  I ordered a pair of Vionic sandals...that are reviewed to be comfortable for problems such as fingers crossed.  I prefer sandals that I can slip on my opposed to strapping or fastening them....

The deck stain we use is on sale...Mr. Seventies has asked that I pick up a gallon...and daughter is in the market for a new laundry team.  Most stores...have a waiting place has an August 5th delivery date!!   She has asked I come along today while she sees what is available...with free delivery.

I hope it's a great weekend where you are!   Thanks for stopping by....

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