
Friday, November 26, 2021

Tree Is Up & Decorated

Mr. Seventies set the Christmas tree up...and after fluffing it for about thirty minutes...I had a huge mess of flocking everywhere!  Buy an artificial tree they said.  It will be less mess they said.  If I wanted less mess...perhaps I shouldn't have purchased a flocked tree!  Huge mess.  

And...I quickly discovered four strands of pom pom garlands were not going to be enough.  Everything came to a halt while I went to pick up more...(praying they still had them in stock).  Decorations and artificial trees are in short supply here.  As luck would have it...there were three strands left!  I thought two would suffice...but purchased all three and three were needed to finish off the tree.  It took seven strands to wrap around the tree!

The store was crazy busy...and I'm so glad I purchased the tree ornaments when I did.  If I had waited...there would have been slim pickings!  I picked up a couple of ornaments that were left...ones that weren't available when I last shopped...adorable iced cookies...

Before I share the whole tree...a few close ups of the ornaments...which I absolutely love....

How cute are the mugs of hot cocoa!  I think they are my favourite!!

I used a few large picks I had from previous years...and two more of my favourite is with Liesel's name and the other is a treasured ornament gifted me from my dear friend in remembrance of my sister.  Now both are reads "Your wings were ready....but my heart was not"....

A few years back, someone gifted anonymously this adorable wire heart shaped paw bearing Liesel's name (and also one for grand dog Benson).  The sender has never come forward...we have no way of knowing who sent them...but they hold a special place in my heart...a true Secret Santa...(not to mention the adorable dachshund reindeer hanging below).....

Just be advised if the tree looks isn't.  It's the weird angle I took the photo at...I think exhaustion took over at this point!  After clean up (bless Mr. Seventies heart for being on vacuum duty...sparkles & flocking everywhere) was all I could muster.  The elf feet picks are Mr. Seventies favourite they had to be included....

We started this in the early afternoon...and it was getting dark when completed!  Not including the venture to pick up more took us about four hours to complete!  But in my worth it!!  I was not one bit upset upon discovering the loss of my previous tree was an opportunity to change things up!  And if there is one thing constant around's change!

My neighbour (who put her tree up a couple of weeks ago)...immediately saw it from the sidewalk & messaged for photos!  We plan to do a bit of outdoor decorating whenever the weather improves...perhaps Sunday afternoon...we've had a week of rain & high winds.   Perfect time to cozy up the inside. 

So, what do you think?  Love to hear your thoughts.  I'm by no means an interior designer....I love what I love.  I watched a video the other day of a gal decorating her dining jaw dropped at the amount of gorgeous-ness of it all!  It's easy to feel overwhelmed or inferior or not know how to pull it all together.  And that is okay.  As the saying goes..."you do you"!  Works for me every time!

Also I've been wanting Christmas dinnerware for some time now & found these ones online at Bed Bath & Beyond.  The brand is Certified International (as our my farm dishes in my cabinet)...I finally ordered a set.  I am so excited for these to arrive!

Have an awesome day & thanks for spending time with me!!  If you comment, know I read each one and so appreciate you taking time from your busy life to spend time with me!  Sometimes my comment moderation doesn't always alert when there is a if I don't respond...I apologize.  I promise to do better...and I love hearing from you....



  1. Your tree is gorgeous. So glad you were able to find more garlands.

  2. Thank u so much!! I was so happy to be able to pick up more garland...I was afraid t would be sold out! I was lucky to get the last three strands!
