
Monday, January 3, 2022

Brand New Year

We had such an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas....and are hopeful you had the same.  Grand baby was sick leading up to the days before Santa's arrival with an ear & respiratory infection...and after a series of chest X-rays & bloodwork at Emergency, she was prescribed antibiotics, which were started at the hospital.  When Christmas Eve arrived...she was feeling better & she was able to have an amazing and fun Christmas.  And with Covid on the rise here. like everywhere else...we keep our circle very small.  Enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner with her other grand parents...we stayed close to the people in our "bubble". 

As always, Santa was extremely generous with us...and I was gifted so many gift cards to my favourite stores and websites.  I did not take in any of the Boxing Day Sales...everyone is keeping a low profile these days.  One afternoon...I did drop into Michaels...and what was left of their Christmas decor was 70% off!  I couldn't resist picking up this adorable wreath...if only to pack it up for next year...and I certainly wouldn't pay the original asking price of $89.99!!  But 70% off...(and you have to believe they are still raking in a profit)....I snatched it up.  Too adorable to leave it!!

They still had a good variety of wreaths available...these ones were selling quickly....

And other gorgeous wreath....with my favourite red truck....

And the second items I picked up were these adorable tree ornaments...originally priced at $12.99 each...marked down 70% as well....

I'm glad we had room on our tree for these precious bells...gifted from grand baby....

And of for her Mimi....we absolutely adore them & will hang them on our tree for years to 

And a dear friend...gifted me this cute hand made sheep ornament!  You all know I love me some sheep!!

 Along with this adorable glass tumbler...she knows me too well!  How fitting....

And my beloved wire dachshund calendar!!  These are not easy to find...and usually have to be ordered from the UK...and this year was no different.  It was ordered...but did not arrive in time to go under the tree...but so worth the wait.  It should be arriving any day....the cover sure resembles our girl!

I had an annoying incident happen last week when I was downtown for an appointment.  Depending on what street you park...meter prices vary depending on the length of time they have. One street has a maximum of parking time of 2 hours others are 3 hours.  I was fortunate to find a parking space, for three hours...right across from the building my appointment was in.  I arrived at 10:20 a.m. and put in enough change for 3 hours...just to be sure I wouldn't receive a parking ticket.

When I returned to my vehicle..a $20 meter violation ticket was on my windshield...given at 10:50 a.m.  I was dumfounded...and took a picture with my phone of the time still left on my meter!

Clearly...still 1 hour and 28 minutes of parking time left!!  So why was I given a ticket?

I spotted a meter guy on the corner & approached him about the ticket.  He claimed it was not written by him..(had I been thinking I would have checked the badge # on his it's on the ticket as well)...and his resolve was to contest the ticket at the police station!  He stated if the meter was flashing...obviously the meter had run out...and therefore I was ticketed.  I showed him two pics of the meter and asked if it looked like it was flashing to him?  He was so rude...I knew I would get nowhere with him.  

I popped into the police station on my way home....and of course with are not allowed in.  So, I spoke with an officer through a speaker on the wall...told him my story and photos ..... I was not in parking violation nor deserving of a ticket.  He said he believed me...took my phone # to call me and that was the last I heard about it.  I presume the ticket was destroyed...but I never received a call.  I'll keep the pictures...just in case.  I'm not sure what the "meter" person was thinking...but it was definately an unjustified parking ticket.  Maybe he/she got a lump of coal in their sock for Christmas!!   Talk about a Grinch.

In happier news...I've ordered a new bed frame for the guest bedroom!  It has been shipped and due to arrive January 20th.  I'm looking forward to this pretty frame....

The frame is wood...a Jenny Lind bed...or spool bed I've seen them called...and I just love the beautiful spindles.  It is a full/double size this home has very small bedrooms....there is just not enough room for a queen bed.  But since it's a guest's the size we have to go with.   Can't wait to share with you when it arrives!

Are you aware or have ever noticed how the prices of things as little time as overnight?  Case in point...I had chosen a very similar bed and had planned to order it, but it was late at night & I decided to head to bed and order it in the morning.  Imagine my shock the next day...the price had doubled...overnight!!  When I contacted the company they advised it was a supply issue.  Basically if the demand is there...prices increase!

Even this bed I ordered...from Wayfair...has increased in price almost by $ as little as a few days!!  I'm a pretty savvy shopper...but I was not aware of this common practice.  And while searching for the bed frame on various websites...most had gone up in price from the previous day as well!  When I saw this one I hit "Add To Cart" pretty quick while it was still at a good price!  Who knew?  Were you aware of this practice?  Or have I been living in a cave all my life?

That is pretty much the news from our corner of this little Island!  Mr. Seventies & I both had our booster shots...we are glad to have them done.  The schools are remaining closed for now until January 10th and daughter is setting up an office in her downstairs area to work from home.  Grand baby has been home with them for about three weeks...but she will be heading back to day care later in the week.  Let's all hope 2022 will be the year we come out the other side of this pandemic.

Thank you for stopping by!  Feel free to leave a comment...let me know how your holidays went!  

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