
Monday, June 27, 2022

Enjoying Pool Time & Nice Weather!

Warm temperatures and clear skies have finally arrived!  We've spent the last few days outside, enjoying bar-be-cues on the grill and cooling off in the pool...the only task left is to attach the solar blanket to the the pool can be covered overnight...

While we have a pool vacuum....her performance lately has not been up to par.  Forcing me to manually vacuum the pool....and that got old real fast.  The current vacuum also does not do the pool walls...and seems to spend the majority of time flipped over...not an efficient means to do her job.  We ordered this model....which has the capability of cleaning the pool walls and the floor... I'm hoping it works well...

Mr. Seventies has been on the down low since early last week....dealing with a terrible cold for about 4-5 days.  The kind of cold that puts one right in bed...with the usual aches & cough.  He is on the mend...not being one to lay about for long....

We enjoyed our first taste of fresh's a year for a bumper crop.  Most years we are into July before we see local strawberries available...and this box was delicious.  Not one bruised berry in the bunch!  So delicious...and we enjoyed a dessert of strawberry shortcake!

Our peonies are blooming....we have about five shrubs showing off their beauty!  This one one we purchased last year...I spotted it at the thing I knew Mr. Seventies had it under his arm heading to the cash.  The blooms are a very deep pink....gorgeous....

This one, at the front of the house is usually the first to bloom...and she has many flowers to show off...

I haven't gotten photos of the other peonies in bloom....we have a stunning yellow one...and my favourite is a blush pink one beside the pool deck...

Another busy week planned....still have plans to have a day of shopping & lunch with my friend.  Canada Day is Friday...fingers crossed the weather will be great!  Saturday is a family celebration to mark the second anniversary of grand-baby's open heart surgery.

We & her paternal grandparents will mark this milestone & share in the joy how far grand baby has come since arriving..... just as a pandemic shut down our world.  

Taken in the ICU after the eight + hours in the OR (at 12 weeks of age).  See that little bunny holding up the various tubes?  I purchased it for grand baby....the first toy to be in a collection of many.  What we didn't know....until months later...that bunny went every where with grand baby.  Every ambulance trip, every hospital stay, even by her side on the flight to the children's hospital.   And sterilized & into the OR....bunny was there every step of the way....

So this is a week of for living in this great country and for the blessing & miracle that is Annabelle.

Oh...and we had a mouse!  I began noticing overnight....Liesel's food bowl would have kibble before bed (as it sits in her crate in the kitchen)....yet be empty in the morning.  At first...I thought I was a bit crazy.  Then Liesel began to act really strange around her crate...she would cry...and rather than step in & out...she would jump.  Not like her at all.  

We had not seen any of the usual signs of a mouse...other than kibble going missing.  Mr. Seventies scoured this house...every nook & cranny.  Most areas outside...are caulked so a mouse couldn't get in...but Mr. Seventies found one spot...and assumes that is how it would come & go.  We don't think it stayed in the house...but rather would carry the food out.  

So, a trap was front of Liesel's crate.  And mouse was caught the first night.  We're still setting the trap for a few nights...just to be certain we only had the one.  They are doing construction behind us...and the field was recently mowed down...that could have forced it to seek out other venues.  
BTW - I detest rodents.  Our previous dachshund, Schatzi was a hunter.  No mouse would have gotten by her.....Liesel doesn't possess that same prey drive.  She cries and wants her Dad to take care of it. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Today is Monday...I'll be over at Between Naps on the Porch later today for  Metamorphosis Monday

And check out A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday!  Hope to see you there!


  1. Charlotte I'm so glad your pool is up and running - how great for summer and with July 1st just around the corner too! Barbecuing, fresh fruit, beautiful flowers, and warm sunny days are the best! So happy for you that you are celebrating the miracle that is Annabelle - just beautiful! I hope you have a lovely week and Happy Canada Day to you!

  2. Hi Kim!! So good to hear from you! Wishing you an awesome week as well...and Happy Canada Day to you & your family! Any Canada Day tables capes in the works? I so enjoy reading your blog....

  3. The pool looks delightful. We just started getting fresh strawberries too and I do so love them. What a wonderful celebration for your grandchild. Our dogs used to keep the outdoor pests at bay but at 14 the oldest has declared retirement and the youngest without her trusty partner has given up keeping them at bay. We had a chimpmunk on the porch which would have created a riot in years gone by but nobody noticed. As for the mice we do have a quarterly pest control.

    1. We do love our pool! Oh my goodness...we have chipmunks here that run and play around outside in the trees...they are fun to watch. Liesel doesn't pay too much attention to squirrels or chipmunks...crows are a different!!

  4. The pool is beautiful. We are enjoying our local strawberries. The local ones are always the sweetest. What wonderful news about your grandchild.

    Our dogs have aged out of the chasing for the most part.

    1. Thank you for stopping nice to hear from you! And for the pool compliment...we get a great deal of pleasure from it. And our grand baby is truly a blessing...
