
Monday, June 5, 2023

Early Garden Tour

The gardens are really slow this year.  I suspect the cooler temps, cloudy days....and rain for days haven't helped.   My beautiful mauve Azalea...which exploded with blooms last year....only had a few this year....and that's it!  However, the new red one....has quite a few blooms on it...which gives me hope...

We have a number of peonies...this one will be the first to show a burst of will have gorgeous fuchsia is budding really nicely....the others are a little bit slower...we have pink, yellow and coral peonies....which are beautiful!

The creeping phlox along the back us a pop of colour at least...and is spreading nicely...

The pink phlox is new this will grow and spread as well.  This walkway garden is relatively will take a little while for things to take off...

But....oh the lilacs are a day or two away from blooming!  These photos were taken from my neighbours most of the blossoms are on that side.  Once they are done...Mr. Seventies will give them a trimming...

I cannot wait to have a couple of lilac bouquets in the house!!

And the pool is still a work in progress...getting the water clear.  The first shocking of the season....left the water looking like a cereal bowl!  I went to toss the vacuum in....not realizing Mr. Seventies hadn't attached it to its hose....and once it was in the pool......we couldn't see it to fish it out!!  So, it sat the bottom of the pool for a few days.  (it has since been retrieved)....

Concerned....I collected another water sample for testing and was assured the milky colour was due to the chlorine attacking and destroying the algae in the water.  Never had it happen before...and after 6 days the water was starting to clear.  Mr. Seventies has done three manual vacuums....and back washes to clean the sand filter...and noticed chlorine granules collected on the bottom of the pool.  He brushed & stirred them up.....and this is how things are looking today.  A turquoise colour....but at least in a few days the water should be clear.  

Once it's clear....I'll have another water test done....and hopefully we are good to go.  Today, it was due for shock (chlorine)....but we are required to wait until the water is clear...and a final test.  Not like with the weather we are able to enjoy it right now anyways!!  

I hung out a little garden flag at the back entrance....once all the plants and flowers have poked through the soil....we have about seven yards of black mulch being delivered.  It will take Mr. Seventies a day or so to get is spread in all the gardens.  

The if Mother Nature gives us a break....we can get some deck & step staining done!  I'm looking forward to hanging out on the decks...once the wicker furniture can be set out.  I'm not putting rugs down on the decks this year.  Since the decks are open to the elements....the rugs get soaked during rain showers....and seem to take a couple of days to dry out. Tired of getting my feet wet!  If the decks were covered...I'd use the rugs...but since they are not....they are more bother and work than worth....

I'd love to have new seating for the pool deck...but we seldom sit out it is so hot!  Even a large umbrella is of little the sun still beats directly down.  I'll set out a few folding chairs....and a small's a spot to sit briefly to dry off after cooling off in the pool...the chairs have no cushions so wet bathing suits are not an issue...

This has been pretty much been our level of activity the last few days....and it appears to be continuing for the week.  Looking forward to some sunny, hot days!!

Thanks for hanging out with me today....and since it's sure and stop drop to Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday.

Hope to see you there!!


  1. Ha Charlotte! I'll trade you the rain and cool for our hot and sunny - it is sooo dry here already. On the plus side, your garden is looking lovely. I love lilacs too - their smell is heavenly. And your peonies will be gorgeous when they bloom. Hope you get the pool up and running. Take care over there my friend!

  2. Hi Kim!! It's torrential downpour here and sunny sounds amazing...but with that also comes the risk of forest fires (which has affected our families in NB and NS). Our gardens are behind this year...the only thing planted in the vegetable garden are potatoes and onions! And the potatoes are that's a win! I'll attempt to send some rain your way....if you agree to send sun and warmer temps here!! Take care my friend!!
