
Monday, July 10, 2023

Addition of Umbrella

There are areas on the small deck which get full sun at certain times of the day.  And we want to spend little time in full sun.  This umbrella has proven to work really well....and can swing to shade wherever needed.  With the heat and sun we've had the last few has been much needed. (and the pool sign purchased a few weeks back...has been removed.)  The days of rain pretty much saturated it....coats of sealant on porous material wasn't enough to save it!  


Liesel & I enjoyed the early morning...I laid a mat down for her to lay on.  My new lights (behind the love seat)...stopped working.  I plan to replace them...but Mr. Seventies opened the solar charger...and discovered the battery inside had become dislodged.  Once he straightened it...the lights have worked perfect!

Now, when the umbrella was first secured to the deck....this is how it looked.  Not what I was happy with...but I left it for the day.  Men think differently, don't they?  

The next morning....I asked Mr. Seventies turn the base around....and have the longest arm hidden under the love seat...and not a danger of anyone tripping...(since you have to raise the umbrella up on that side).  After watching Mr. Seventies stumble over it a few times....something had to change.  Much better.....under the love seat.  The male and female brain...think in different ways, right?  To his credit...I would not have taken the little solar charger apart....but that is how his brain works.  

This area of the deck is shaded...and the sun moves around to the side and front of the house....beating down on the love seat area.  The umbrella covers that area so well.  Daughter intends to pick up an umbrella as well...their deck gets full sun certain times of the day.  It is available in navy or red...honestly I didn't even look at colour when I purchased it...but happy I chose navy blindly....

I came across this solar powered long string of bumble bee hang along the pool deck wall that faces the front of the house....

Mr. Seventies planned to hang them last evening...but after a day of heat, taking grand baby shopping & for ice cream....and several dips in the pool...we were exhausted.  Installation  better left for when it's cooler and we are not worn out....

Today promises to be warm and sunny again....but no heat warnings issued as in the past few days...

Thanks so much for spending time with me... please join us over at Between Naps on the Porch later today for  Metamorphosis Monday.  

And tomorrow at A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday!!

Feel free to leave me a comment...I'd love to hear from you!   Til next time...


  1. Your deck looks beautiful and relaxing. This has been a summer for record heat. I don’t usually say it say early in the summer, but I’m ready for fall! RHill, TX

  2. Oh thank you so much...our summers are short being outside & comfortable is #1 for us! We've had mostly rain May & June...the last four days have been hot! (by our standards...certainly not Texas heat). Thankful to have the pool and air conditioning. Endless weeks of heat though...wear on people's we are not acclimated to it! I hope you are able to stay cool! I'm a huge fall person...right up to Christmas! Thanks so much for commenting!!

  3. Charlotte, your deck looks lovely and I know what you mean by the heat! It's so nice to have the umbrella for the shade and it looks great (with the long arm under the loveseat lol). Nice to have the pool to jump in and cool off too! We've been hot and dry here and I think it might be our new normal. Enjoy your deck and have a lovely week!

  4. Kim..thanks so much! We are getting use from the's been hot & humid. I know it's been hot and dry there...and I agree...our weather patterns have changed so much over the years! We've had so much rain in May & June. Stay cool my friend...and enjoy your week!!

  5. Oh Lyndsey...thank you so much for the invite! I shared this post on Tell It To Me Tuesday (love that title)...and am loving catching up on your blog! I will definitely post your awesome blog when I link up on Tuesdays!! Is there a back link I use? Linking is new to me...I'm kinda behind the times. So any help would be awesome!!
