
Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Couple of Finds

Well...the weather has been downright crappy here!  So, what does one do when the weather is crappy?  One does a bit of browsing in the stores!  A saunter around Home appeared other ladies are fed up with the rain & we all seemed to congregate at home decor stores......

I'm pretty certain I passed up on this piece during a previous visit...and when I'm lucky enough to come across it twice....I take that as a sign it's meant to come home with me....

Lightening seldom strikes twice at Home Sense...if you see something that you need to have...chances are if you leave it....there won't be any second chance.   But's just meant to be....

Now I'm not in need of another candle....real or otherwise.  But this one...not only had me by it's amazing lavender scent...but the suggestion to recycle the pretty dish it is in....was enough convincing for me...

Just look how pretty it is!  And smells wonderful & I do plan to keep the pretty dish once it's burned enough to clean out ....

I found this pretty one as well....but preferred the covered version .......

I suffered a bit of sticker shock when I saw these...I mean, yes are Martha Stewart brand...but overpriced in my opinion (not that anyone asked)....that's Canadian dollars...and taxes will be added on to the price....

I've had a thing for baskets obsession is just about bear with me a little longer.  I couldn't resist this little nugget (or mushroom)....just sitting on the bench looking all adorable....

I've been on the hunt for a pretty, new bathmat & when I saw this one on West Elm (Canada)....I didn't hesitate!  Now arrival date is not for three months...but that's okay.  It's too pretty not to wait for it....100% cotton....and will be so soft....and I did mention pretty.....

And...I found spray starch locally!  For $6.99 - the prices for it on Amazon are insane!  Mr. Seventies picked it up....there were only 8 cans available (now 7)!  This will likely do me for a couple of I don't use it often....mainly for pillowcases, curtain panels...anything cotton or in need of help to eliminate wrinkles & add crispness.....

The peonies are in bloom!  There is no way to capture their beauty....other than enjoy them as they show off their colours.  This coral gal is my absolute favourite....we have six in various colours or in bloom.....

We are coming up on Canada Day weekend!  (Monday being Canada Day).   We're entertaining neighbours Saturday evening & invited to a celebration bar-b-que & front row seat to the fireworks in North Rustico on Monday....but plan to share the day with family here at our seventies split.  The long range forecast is not looking won't be a pool day...plan B is to enjoy home made pizza & Canada Day cupcakes & refreshments at home with loved ones...

Til next time......

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Mash Up!!

June is winding down, isn't it?  Still lots happening here in this seventies let's jump right in!  Sharing the dried little bouquet I did using Silica gel.  In my humble opinion...the flowers turned out no different than if I hung them to dry...but not sure what I was expecting. 

It's a quicker way of drying and the flowers didn't turn black or brown.  It was fun to try.....afterwards I spread the used gel on cookie sheets at popped in the oven on 250 degrees for twenty minutes (as instructed..or I could have used the microwave method) ... and it returned to it's blue colour...and is ready to use again...

Remember this photo from a previous post?  It was my inspiration for my next little project...(the whale on the mantle).  I purchased the whale...and did pick up three of the green faux hydrangea...they are soft petal & truly feel real...

I picked up three of the green stems..just enough to add in with my idea for my whale basket display....they are so soft and real-like...

I had ten of these yellow hydrangea I picked previously during BOGO at Michael's...I didn't want to purchase additional ones in the colour I had in mind to use....this is the colour before...

I used two bottles of liquid Rit dye in the colour Kentucky Sky.  Using a stainless pot, I brought the water to a near boil & added the dye...then soaked each flower one at a time....letting it sit in the dye bath for about ten minutes...

I couldn't be happier with the colour results!  I could have chosen a dye in a teal colour...but was worried it wouldn't be dark enough to cover the yellow..... glad I went with the colour Kentucky Sky.  Once they had soaked and achieved the colour I wanted...I set them to dry on paper towel covered cookie sheets overnight...occasionally turning each one to allow thorough drying....

And the end result!  Just as I envisioned....only better!  The green stems look perfect mixed in with the teal!!  I love when little projects turn out...

While I was browsing & picking up the green stems...I came across these look alike "real flame" candles...except they are battery operated.  In a matter of seconds...they flicker like real candle flames!  They came in a variety of colours...I chose the black but was torn as they had them in an amber colour as well.  They have a timer...can be set for six hours.  No remote..which I usually misplace anyway...

This is another real flame candle I picked up from the same store a while really does look and feel like a soy candle....flicker & all....

I took a few minutes to check out a bit of other decor...these silly cushions sell like hotcakes...

This ship was large...and heavy...I couldn't lift it...beautiful though....and solid....

A few whale first glance I thought they were wood....but are actually metal....

Crushing on these wooden trays.... could find many uses for an additional tray....

This piece...was solid wood!  Love the stain colour....a bit on the pricey side at nearly $55!  Someone will enjoy it though...

There were some lovely canvases...this one was available in a couple of different sizes...

And since it's six months until Christmas Eve..... I purchased this Scentsy warmer on Postmark...brand new still in the box...for a fraction of the price it normally sells for! 
Sadly, the tart selection at Wal Mart is miserable.... I'm hoping they replenish their stock soon!  They seem to go through this a couple of times a year...sending me into panic fingers crossed here...

We spent a couple of days cleaning windows & replacing torn screens...and giving bedrooms thorough cleanings....even with keeping doors closed...dust and stucco debris found it's way down the hall....

Lightened up the main bedroom for summer....feeling so airy and fresh...I'm tempted to have the room painted....but a bit too soon to ask Mr. Seventies to delve back into a paint can...

I'm loving the matching valances...and their 21" length!  I ordered three but only required two & sent back the additional one...

We tackled the smallest bedroom ....after washing, drying the curtain panels on the line & then giving them a good pressing with the iron...I re-hung them....

Side note - I cannot find spray starch anywhere here!  I've checked every grocery store...none on the shelves!  It's not something I need often...but I use it from time to time...and now am unable to find it!   I'm curious if they still sell it....

We still have the guest bedroom to valances to match the quilt set are on back order...

We also spent a full day in the lower & dusting the laundry & family room...both rooms needed much attention....

The pool is up & running....with the hot weather for a few days...we were able to enjoy it!  It's been raining the last couple of days...the vegetable & flower gardens were needing a good soaking....

And with that I will be joining other bloggers later today at for Metamorphis Monday.

And again tomorrow at for Talking About It Tuesdays and for Inspire Me Tuesday.  

Stop over & catch up with some amazing bloggers!

Til next time....

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Recent Buys

We're in for a couple of warm days 30 degrees C (that's 86 F)...warm for here that is.  Perfect pool weather - it's been a struggle getting the pool up & going.  Mr. Seventies needed to replace the backwash hose (we had a new roll) - and I'm not happy with the automatic pool vacuum.  I needed a new brush/head for the manual one - and I can clean manually where it needs to be cleaned.  

It gets very hot on the pool deck - I vacuumed a bit in the afternoon - until it got too hot.  The pool company was here yesterday...the guy was very major issues.  He made a couple of great suggestions for opening next year.  Today we will put the steps in & attach the new solar blanket to the reel...and set up my patio umbrella on the small deck. 

The patio furniture covers have seen better days (as in rips in each of them) - I found these on Amazon...and quickly ordered them...I needed two chair covers....and a love seat cover .  Easier to order from Amazon than run from store to store trying to find them....

I have two pretty quilt sets ordered..felt the need to freshen up a couple of bedrooms I guess....this summery one for the guest bedroom....

And for the smaller bedroom...this lovely set in twin size...I'm hoping both sets will look nice with the current curtain panels - I'm not changing those just yet....

I put in another order for these dish towels - they are the best ones I've ever had.  They don't come in an abundance of colours...(not a big deal)...the ones I have now are blue & white....but this colour is fine too.  Super absorbent and wash amazing....and come in a pack of eight!!

I also want to share some cute items I ordered through Temu!  Anyone else order from them?  Just keep in mind shipping takes about two weeks, but I've been very happy with what I've ordered!   Like this adorable iPhone phone cover - for less than $3!!  Fits perfect too!

And how about these adorable table runners?  Will they stand up to multiple washings?  Probably not...but at under $6 each....I'm not concerned.  I remove them anyways when we sit at the table....the first one will be great for the fall....

I have this runner currently on the table...runners are at least $20 or more at Home Sense here....

And a couple of fall garden flags as well!  These run $14.99 & up in the stores here...and at $3-$4 on Temu...(same quality as the stores)....what's not to love?  The are about 12"x18"....and fit my flag hangers for each entrance to the house....

I've mentioned previously I am not a huge fan of coastal decor.  You'd think I would on an Island & all...but keep an eye out for this guy...he may be making an appearance in the family room in the not too distant future....I spotted him on a recent visit to a home decor store here.  Yup....that's a whale!! I'm crushing on the green faux hydrangea...$10 each for one stem though....likely cheaper on-line!  I love to support local....but sometimes it just doesn't make economical sense!

I've picked a few blooms in an attempt to dry them in Silica gel!   The peony buds I have sitting in water...are budding faster than I can keep up!  I have these rhododendron blossoms drying....and a few peonies in another container.  Instructions say to leave them in a dark place (closet) for 5-6 days....I hope they turn out!  If not....nothing ventured-nothing gained right?

Lastly, I picked up this adorable rooster plate for my dish cabinet...$3 at the thrift store!  I didn't see much else....not photo worthy that is....and I wasn't actually in the mood to browse!  With have to be in the mood & take time to actually browse.  The stores were I will go another day....evenings are the quietest times...

That's it for now!  I hope you have an awesome day wherever you are & have great weather!  Summer officially starts in two days!!!

Til next time....

Monday, June 17, 2024

Time To Tour

If you've been following along on my blog, you are aware we scraped our stucco ceilings & repainted & freshened up our kitchen, family room, hallway & front entry!

It was about a three week so happy Mr. Seventies completed it all.... he did an amazing job.  We'll start at the back entry...even though it didn't require did need a thorough cleaning...and a chance to show off my braided rug...

The entry is small....not a lot of room for storage...Mr. Seventies keeps his ball caps hung up.....when this photo was taken....he was outside staining the small deck & both sets of steps.....

Liesel's look-a-like hanger to hold her harness & leash....gifted to me a number of years ago when I volunteered with dachshund rescue....along with a red dachshund holder I donated to rescue for a fundraising auction that was held.   Does this not look identical to her?

On into the kitchen!!  A before photo - this is where the stucco removal all started....

The results!  Just look at that pretty, non-stucco ceiling!!  I'm loving how my Griptstand bowls look against the wall colour I chose!  It's not an easy job to paint over cabinets... I'm super happy to have a place to display my bowls...

Looking out towards the back entry....there isn't a lot of wall to paint in the kitchen....but I'm crushing on the colour!  If you've been here for a know I don't do beige anything!

Photo was taken prior to windows & shutters getting a good cleaning....Mr. Seventies has since installed the shutters....

My latest purchase from Temu....this adorable tissue holder! Much cuter than a plain tissue box on the counter....this little retro radio does the job...

A before photo of the front entry & a bit of the family room ceilings...ugh is all I can say!

Is it weird that I enjoy staring at my new ceilings?  It is, isn't it?

The family room....with its beautiful new area rug...I pulled the wall colours from the rug mainly...without even having it fully available to view at the time....

I picked up this cute vase at Michael's since it was on clearance....and used a gift card I received at Christmas....

Crushing on the Deacon's bench!!  The perfect spot for it....the throw is one I had in my stash...along with the cushion covers....

My cabinet received a couple coats of fresh paint....happy to have my dishes stored again....
the candles are from Michaels & holders I picked up at Home Sense...(I shared those in an earlier post)...

On to the hallway....Mr. Seventies did some repair work on the ceiling....a look at the before...

An area required new gyproc....there was a large crack in the ceiling....

Our amazing seam filler worked his magic....never under estimate the work of a great seam filler....

Pretty new wall colour in the hallway as well...

And finally, the front entry!  Always a challenge working with sixteen foot ceilings here....thankfully Mr. Seventies has no fear of heights...(unlike myself)...

The view looking from the family room into the front entry....

And that, my friends ends the saga that has been our lives for the past few weeks!  So extremely happy with how everything turned out!  So worth the work....but would never want to do it again!

Please join me later today over at for Metamorphis Monday!!

And tomorrow I'll be sharing with Marty at and Joanne at for Talking About It Tuesdays.  

Thank you for sharing a bit of your time with me today.   

Til next time.....