
Monday, June 10, 2024

Updates & Early Garden Tour

Mr. Seventies is making great strides with the interior painting!  The kitchen & family room are finished & pulled together...and we have beautiful, freshly primed & painted ceilings.  He moved on to the hallway & was able to get one coat on before we left to enjoy our grand daughter's first dance recital!  (she was adorable btw).....and today he plans to put on a final coat.   Then he moves on to the front entry!  We are getting there....

He attempted to open the pool over the weekend....when turned on the pool of the hoses had sustained a huge crack...he was rewarded with cold water spraying all over him!  And he discovered a rubber gasket had cracked ....there is no way to tell if there is damage until the pump is turned on!  A quick trip to the pool supply store was futile as they did not have the hose needed...more to come in today or tomorrow.....he was able to purchase a couple of extra gaskets.  The weather is looking beautiful this week so hoping we are able to get the pool up & running..... 

The flower gardens are coming to life...each day new plants are blooming...

One of my favourite perennials is this purple Jacob's provides an early splash of colour.....

This is one of two rhododendrons we have in the front gardens....the other is a bit later showing off its deep cranberry blooms.....

This pretty little Azalea is debuting its first was newly planted last year....I'm loving the colour & when she is larger - she is going to be outstanding.....

The bleeding hearts (we have several) are showstoppers as always....they do tend to take over if not pruned regularly......Mr. Seventies will not be impressed I can't remember the name of the yellow flowers in the front....Globe something....

We have a full hedge of lilac shrubs....they did not disappoint this year....

This Solomon Seal was over powering one of the peonies.....Mr. Seventies tied it up a bit....and will cut it back later when pruning....we received a free red peony with an order I put in for another Lentin Rose for Mr. early Father's Day gift...we are now up to seven peonies all different colours....cannot wait for them to start blooming....all have huge buds just waiting to open....

We have no more done on the outside decks....attentions have been turned inside at least for the next week or so...with Mr. Seventies planting the vegetable garden and mowing the lawns in between paint jobs!

Remember the toilet tissue roll holder & basket I had ordered on Amazon?  It was on back order at the time I ordered.....and no ship date was in sight.  I cancelled that order & found another I will be arriving Wednesday.....

The heart shape braided rug I ordered for the back entry from Wal Mart arrived....and I am so happy with the size & quality....cannot wait to get put it down....

Today is gearing up to be another busy one....I'm looking forward to the painting being done...inside and out...and we get to enjoy some lazy days on the decks....

I'll be sharing later today over at for Metamorphis Monday and tomorrow with Joanne at for Talking About It Tuesdays.  Marty at is hosting home tours the next three sure & check out some beautiful homes....

Thank you so much for stopping by today....and spending a bit of your time with me!

Til next time....


  1. Wow, what a lot is being accomplished at your abode! Here's your plant and several iterations:

    1. Welcome & thank you - I thought of the name Globe Flower as soon as I! You would think it would be an easy name to remember!!!

  2. Wow Charlotte. Congrats on the painting nearly being done and your garden has blossomed into summer - so pretty! The heart shaped rug is adorable and I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles with your pool. Hopefully, it will be an easy (and inexpensive) fix so you and hubs can catch some much needed relaxing time. Take care over there, my friend!

    1. Hi Kim...we can see the finish line to this painting marathon! Be happy when it's done! The gardens are blooming nicely this year...hope all is well with you my friend!!

  3. Yay for getting so much done on the house. Your garden is looking so lovely! I used to have a bleeding heart plant and I don't know what happened to it but it's no longer in my garden at all... I wish it had grown large and lovely like yours.

    1. Thanks so much Joanne-can't wait to have it finished! The first bleeding heart we planted - died. Now...we have 5-6..they seem to flourish like weeds! One even has white and pink hearts! What goes on in the garden-stays in the
