
Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Couple of Finds

Well...the weather has been downright crappy here!  So, what does one do when the weather is crappy?  One does a bit of browsing in the stores!  A saunter around Home appeared other ladies are fed up with the rain & we all seemed to congregate at home decor stores......

I'm pretty certain I passed up on this piece during a previous visit...and when I'm lucky enough to come across it twice....I take that as a sign it's meant to come home with me....

Lightening seldom strikes twice at Home Sense...if you see something that you need to have...chances are if you leave it....there won't be any second chance.   But's just meant to be....

Now I'm not in need of another candle....real or otherwise.  But this one...not only had me by it's amazing lavender scent...but the suggestion to recycle the pretty dish it is in....was enough convincing for me...

Just look how pretty it is!  And smells wonderful & I do plan to keep the pretty dish once it's burned enough to clean out ....

I found this pretty one as well....but preferred the covered version .......

I suffered a bit of sticker shock when I saw these...I mean, yes are Martha Stewart brand...but overpriced in my opinion (not that anyone asked)....that's Canadian dollars...and taxes will be added on to the price....

I've had a thing for baskets obsession is just about bear with me a little longer.  I couldn't resist this little nugget (or mushroom)....just sitting on the bench looking all adorable....

I've been on the hunt for a pretty, new bathmat & when I saw this one on West Elm (Canada)....I didn't hesitate!  Now arrival date is not for three months...but that's okay.  It's too pretty not to wait for it....100% cotton....and will be so soft....and I did mention pretty.....

And...I found spray starch locally!  For $6.99 - the prices for it on Amazon are insane!  Mr. Seventies picked it up....there were only 8 cans available (now 7)!  This will likely do me for a couple of I don't use it often....mainly for pillowcases, curtain panels...anything cotton or in need of help to eliminate wrinkles & add crispness.....

The peonies are in bloom!  There is no way to capture their beauty....other than enjoy them as they show off their colours.  This coral gal is my absolute favourite....we have six in various colours or in bloom.....

We are coming up on Canada Day weekend!  (Monday being Canada Day).   We're entertaining neighbours Saturday evening & invited to a celebration bar-b-que & front row seat to the fireworks in North Rustico on Monday....but plan to share the day with family here at our seventies split.  The long range forecast is not looking won't be a pool day...plan B is to enjoy home made pizza & Canada Day cupcakes & refreshments at home with loved ones...

Til next time......

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