
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Why I Have Been Awol!!!

I had good reason!!! As I sit here, snuggled with my wiener dog...I've had a chance to collect my thoughts...around the events of the past number of days.
No one expects to have a heart can happen to any time...without warning.  We were entertaining friends, sitting quietly & chatting. I started experiencing severe chest pain.. I'm am so thankful Mr. Seventies called 911 immediately...rather than let me crawl off to bed (as was my plan).
Our health care is in crisis... but I was given the utmost of care.... from the EMT personnel at home , transportation to the Trauma Centre at the QEH ... and the EMT went along with me on my mini vacation to the St. John Regional Hospital Cardiac Centre. And the excellent cardiologist & team waiting for me there.
My poor, sweet nurse Blake in Trauma....I gave him such a hard time...until we got to comparing tattoos. I feel I should take him a donut. The doctors could not do their work...were it not for the nurses & staff they have working with them.
Did I have a blockage? We will never know - I was administered a "clot buster" in Trauma - that may have dissolved any clot. My heart was under stress-my blood pressure & heart rate were sky high!! Clot busters are not given lightly - they can cause a brain aneurysm-no way back from that. ( I did bleed profusely from IV's...but they put on pressure bandages to stem the issue. )
Did I have a heart attack? Yes. My previous stents look great (as only my stents would). Life will look a bit different from here on in...for a little while. I have many followup bloodwork & EKG and Echocardiogram appointments.
I survived. I will forever be grateful for that. And to my amazing friends & family...your thoughts & prayers are heartfelt & so appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my battered heart...
Also thank you for reaching out to Mr. Seventies at a time he needed you...and to my girls for always being there for me. You have a very proud Mama...

They have clipped this birds wings from driving! I hope Mr. Seventies likes Home Sense!!

I am home now...very thankful I survived!

My posts may be sporadic for a I will be spending my time...on the pool deck...healing. But I do plan to post - the kitchen table was cluttered with packages & boxes that arrived during my absence!! A mini Christmas. waiting just for me!!


  1. Charlotte, what scary news! So glad you got the fast and good care you needed surrounded by your family. Take it easy, rest and enjoy that pool of yours. I’m sure Ron won’t mind a few trips to HomeSense. Can’t wait to see their fall collection. Stay cool. Hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  2. Hi Elaine! Wonderful to hear from you - trust some heat has arrived "up there". Home Sense in the fall is my favourite time - and the tourists will be gone home...not as much traffic. Thank you for the wonderful hugs....they mean a great deal!!

  3. Scary! So glad you are on the mend and got medical attention quickly. RHill, TX

    1. Thank you! Mr. Seventies was on the ball to call the EMT so quickly - and the care I received has been wonderful!

  4. Yikes! So scary!! I am so glad you got such great care and your husband acted so quickly.

    1. Thank you so much, Joanne! I'm receiving continued great care at home as well!

  5. OMG Charlotte!!! This post must have been one of the ones I missed when we were in the middle of moving. OMG again!! I am so sorry that this happened and how fabulous that Mr. Seventies called 911 right away. And so glad you got treated right away too! I am so thankful that you and on the mend sweet friend and please take care of yourself!

    1. Hi Kim-hope you are getting settled! I know it's been a busy time for you! Thank you for your sweet words...they mean a great deal!
