
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Bit Of A Slow Week!

We're in the dog days of summer!  The heat & humidity have moved out & cooler temperatures have returned.   We've had overnight much needed rain showers....and the corn in the garden is almost ready to pick!  Mr. Seventies has been supplying neighbours, family & friends with bags of green & yellow beans!  Grandbaby enjoyed two helpings with her evening meal the other day!

Speaking of dog days....our resident wirehair had an arthritis flare up!

She spent a few days on pain medication and "kennel rest"..... and as quickly as her arthritis flared subsided .  Since the medication makes her sleepy, she is perfectly content to snooze away and recover...

The fun begins when she starts to feel better & keeping her on the down low becomes a challenge...happy to report she is doing better.  Her vomiting incidences have been cut in half with on-going medication.  She will likely stay on it & a hydrolyzed diet in the foreseeable future....

I'm saving my fall reading material until we actually get in to fall weather!  Even though I've been acquiring fall pieces...and it is my favourite time of year...I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer anytime soon!

Until the past few days, the evening temperatures were much too warm to light the fire pit!  Since this week has seen a shift in weather...we've been enjoying a few toasted marshmallows...

Liesel was able to join us briefly....she was content to be on Mr. Seventies lap....

I've scored a couple of pieces of my latest obsession!  I'm not purposely looking for them....they just seem to find me & with prices too good to pass up!  I will tuck each one in amongst my Gripstand bowls....

I know they discontinue colours...I was able to get a couple this pretty turquoise one- it is so pretty...

And another colour I was able to acquire - this yellow one....the photo does not do it is much more vibrant.  Both will join the persimmon coloured one on top of the kitchen cabinets...

My weight loss journey continues...I hadn't weighed myself in weeks (not since before I was a patient in the hospital).  My bed there....weighed me!  How cool is that....a bed that weighs you...and very comfortable to boot!! 

I currently wear size 12 in jeans and Medium in tops & jackets!  I tried on a pair of jeans yesterday....and they were too big!  That was the incentive to hop on the scales... 

I've lost a total of 55 pounds so far!  Getting close to my goal weight.  More importantly, the weight loss is for my health and joints.  Since losing knee seldom bothers me (as I was due for a knee replacement).   I'm hoping to avoid that surgery!  I will post before & after photos in the not too distant future...

Today is looking like another beautiful day!  The overnight temps are certainly cooling down...and making it fire pit weather!  It had been to hot in the evenings to even think about lighting it!  Daughter has a brand new propane fire pit & has yet to use it!  Fall evenings are perfect for that!  I have an Echocardiogram this morning...cause I know how to have fun!!

Have an awesome weekend wherever you are.

Til next time...


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss. Hope you have no more heart issues. We’re still very much in the dog days of summer! RHill, TX

    1. Thank you so much for the congrats!! Hoping all is well where you are!!

    2. I too would like to congratulate you on your weight loss! That's wonderful. I bet you're feeling so much better. I wish I knew what you were doing to help yourself lose pounds. I'd like to lose some myself!

    3. Thank your your sweet words! I'm feeling better...and the weight loss has helped my arthritic knee immensely. Not convinced I need a knee replacement now! And it's much better for my heart for certain!!
